Chapter 6

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"Zayny..." you jump into his bed and lay right next to him. You slowly poke at him until his eyes flutter open. "Morning sleepy head, you gonna wake up so I can eat now?" Zayn looks at you confused. "Umm I'm sorry who are you?" "Really Zayn? You don't even know your best friend? I see how it is. First you forget prior commitments you've made with me, now you don't even know who I am?" "Rae?!" he grabs your face. "Oh my, you don't even look the same!" "Gee thanks. Well I'm going back out there, this has been fun." you start to get up but Zayn's strong arms wrap around you and pull you back towards him. "Rae I'm sorry. You just look so beautiful, not that you didn't before, it's just a new kind of beautiful." you look up at him and he was somewhat blushing. "Apology accepted. Now put on some clothes, no one wants to see that." You point to his bare chest and head back out to the living room with Perrie and Louis and wait for Zayn.

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