Chapter 6

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(*_*) Jordan

"Hey Jordan, guess how old I am now?" Clarissa asked as she shook Jordan awake.

"Uhh, I'm 22, then you must be 21?" Jordan answered as he slowly sat up in bed.


"Just kidding, Happy 22nd Birthday Isa!" Jordan gave her a small smile, pulling her into his lap on the bed.

They looked into each other's eyes, enjoying each other's company. Jordan gave her a short sweet kiss on the lips and held her in his arms.

"You know Jordan, I found this amazingly cute bag and they're about to sell out soon. I was wondering, can that be my birthday present maybe?" Clarissa tried to give him a convincing look.

"Are you sure you want another bag? You barely use the ones I buy you."

"Yes! I promise to use this one, its just so beautiful, it was calling me babe."

"Ah what the heck, its your birthday. Of course I'll get it for you," Jordan smiled getting ready to stand up. Clarissa hopped off of him and sat at the edge of the bed.

"By the way, the bag comes with this amazing bracelet patterened with beautiful crystals. The web page is bookmarked on your laptop too."

"Ok, ok I'm on it, someone is eager..."

"I'm just saying Jordy!"

Jordan shook his head, walking to his Macbook and logged in. He clicked on the Safari icon and went to his bookmark. Just as Clarissa said, the bookmark was there, "Clarissa's Birthday Present". He smirked and shook his head as he clicked on the bookmark. As it took him to an online store, Jordan began to frantically look for his wallet. The page loaded, 3 in Stock.

Crap, I need to find my wallet fast.

"Hey uh babe, have you seen my wallet?"

"No. Did you lose it, again?"

"Umm, maybe..."

"Jooooooorrdaaaaaaaan!" she whined. "You better find it!"

"I'm trying!"

*Rrrrriiiinngggg Rrrriiiinnngggg Rrrriiinnnggg*

Jordan picked up his phone and answered it.


"H-hi, is this Jordan Peterson?"

"Yes, yes it is. Who is this?"

"My name isn't important, I have your wallet, actually I found your wallet."

Whoa this sounds like a girl, a familiar girl in fact. This actually sounds a lot like Sky. Well whoever this is, she found it! Clarissa's Birthday is saved!

"OH! OK THANK YOU! I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR IT! Do you want to meet somewhere or?"

" Actually, I'll just bring it to you, your address is on the info card, and I think you shouldn't drive with out your license anyways."

Wow, what a sweet girl...

"Alrighty then, thank you by the way, you litteraly saved my ass," Jordan informed.

"No problem, bye"



Hell yes! My butt is saved!

Jordan went back to him laptop and refreshed the page.

1 In Stock

Oh crap, shit shit shit shit shit!

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