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~(^-^~) Sky

"Happy 20th Birthday to me." Sky said as she sat in her empty apartment. It was now 2pm in California and she hasn't received a single phone call for her birthday. Not even her parents want to deal with her. It was silent and all you could hear was the clacking of her fork against her plate every time she took a bite of her one piece of cookies and cream cake. Frequently she would stare at her phone, wondering if Ian would want a second chance with her. But one thing you should know about Ian is that he rarely makes mistakes. Sky couldn't believe the words that came out of Ian's mouth 3 days back...


"Sky we need to talk." Ian said with a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Um ok, what is there to talk about." Sky said a bit worried. A million things were running through her mind at that moment. She dreaded her last thought and told herself it wouldn't happen to her again. After all she did nothing wrong this time, it wasn't even her fault her first relationship ended she told her self.

But was it really my fault? No, I was the one who caught Kaiden cheating on me. But I really never understood why he chose to do that.

Sky walked towards the couch and sat down facing Ian who had a serious look on his face. His hands were clenched into fists but he quickly released when he saw that Sky noticed his strange body behaviour. She looked into Ian's electric blue eyes and saw they were filled with regret, anger, and sympathy? Why was he acting so weird?

"Ian is there something wrong?"

"I'm sorry Sky but I'm breaking up with you."

"W-what? You're breaking up with me? Why? Did I do something wrong?" She said, forcing out questions so she could understand why. She was afraid because she swore to herself that she would never feel that undesirable pain.

No. No no no no no! Not again, this can't be happening...

It was too late, she felt her heart drop. There was a painful feeling in her chest.

"There is someone else isn't there? Someone beautiful and rich."

"Yes, I'm so sorry Sky, I didn't mean for it to happen. Its just one thing lead to the next and now i can't stop thinking about her. She just feels different and I-I well, I think I love her..." He pressed his face into his palms just to envision the mystery girl's perfect blonde hair, her beautifully shaped blue-green eyes. That girl was truly perfect, she was a higher woman than Sky will ever be Ian thought.

Tears threatened to pour out of Sky's dull brown eyes, but she held them back and stared off into space. She was completely out of it and was too shocked to even talk or think. Ian stood up and put on his black hoodie. He took one last graze at Sky and started to head towards the door. She heard the door knob turn and open. He stopped at the door and looked back.

"Bye Sky, good luck."

No wait! I LOVE YOU! Please don't go..

She wanted to scream, she wanted him back. She loved him, every inch of him. But now he was gone. The door closed behind him and silence fell upon the apartment once again. Sky curled up on the couch and snuggled her head into a throw pillow. She just layed there numb. Then bam, it hit her. Realization of reality rushed over her numb body resulting in her salty tears wetting the pillow.

She was alone. Completely alone.

~~End of Flashback~~

She sighed at the memory of their break-up day. Everyone has to move on eventually. From then on she thought little of herself. She believed that love only lasted with people who were truly beautiful unlike Sky. So she sat there telling herself it was all her fault, that nobody wanted her because of who she is and what she looked like. Sky knew deep down that nobody cared for the plain Sky Nguyen.


A/N: So was it good? Is it too short? I'm asking too many questions. Anyways hope you people enjoy the prologue! Onto the next chapter!

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