Chapter 1

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~(^-^~) Sky

*Beep beep beep beep beep*



"Alright alright I'm up!"

Sky groaned as she got up. One glance at her alarm clock got her screaming mentally. It was 7:30 and her shift at the coffee shop downstairs starts at 8:00. Yes 30 min seems like a reasonable amount of time to get ready, but just a reminder, Sky is a girl. It is in a girl's nature to look presentable. Fortunately for Sky she was a pretty fast girl to get ready. She rarely wore makeup because she didn't feel it was necessary.

Putting on her uniform after a quick shower she put her personal items into a Jansport backpack and headed out the door.



Sky stepped out of the elevator and walked through the lobby feeling insecure. Why was she feeling this way? She already accepted the fact that she wasn't perfect, that her features drove a wonderful person out of her life. So why feel even more insecure? She walked by a group of "socially gifted" women and heard whispers. Sky knew for a fact that they could easily be talking about her. She looked down, looking at her worn black Vans. The girls past and she looked up seeing a couple that looked like they belonged together. There was an endless pit in her stomach that gave her a sick feeling. No matter how much she wanted her ever after she knew it was never going to happen.

I guess I'm not one of those lucky people in this world. The past took away my trust along with my motivation to believe in love. All there is to do is to get through this life.

She didn't believe in suicide. She promised herself when she was a little kid that suicide was never the answer. That's things could get better in life. But recently those thoughts were shattered, she didn't commit suicide only because she didn't care enough to even try.

As she passed the couple, some memories of her and Ian popped up. Feeling depressed, the past was not something she wanted to remember at the moment. Walking into the coffee shop she kept an unamused expression on her face. When her shift started she put a smile on her face just for the costumers. As hard as it was to smile at the moment one thing always made her day, when a person notices her as a person, not a servant. When a person acts like they care her smile becomes real and she feels as if she was worth something. "Real" people make her feel like she has a purpose in life. It gives her a reason to believe in her morals, that life can get better.

Her last costumer for the day truly surprised her. She thought it was too good to be true but he was real. It really happened. But she didn't want to believe it. Her last costumer was the man from the perfect couple a few hours ago.

Don't even try Sky, he's taken. Plus he'll never like a plain girl like you. It would be a surprise if he noticed you as a person with feelings and such. Oh man. He's just so damn beautiful. No stop! Don't do this to your self Sky, you can't hurt yourself again..

"Hello what can I get for you?"

"Um, I'll have grande caramel frappichino please."

"Ok that will be $4.50 please."

Sky watched the man pulled his wallet out. She almost dropped dead seeing his muscles flex through his dark blue polo. It was such a simple task but she was amused at seeing this man perform it.

"Can I have your name please?" She asked, her hands shaking a bit from nervousness.

"Jordan." His deep voice omitted.

"Okay, thank you Jordan."

He handed her 5 dollars and their finger tips touched, just barely, but enough to have a sense of his warm hands. Sky felt a little spark that made her cheeks warm up. She knew she looked like a tomato, clearly embarrassed from the sudden contact.

Wait. Did I just feel something? It felt like a shock, or a spark. It felt so right, I can't think straight. Oh god I jus---

Sky was handling the caramel for his drink when she accidentally put more than needed on the drink. She sighed mentally at her stupid mistake. The result of her cloudy mind was a pool of caramel on top of the whipped cream. There were two options in this situation, make it look presentable and ask if her mistake was acceptable to the costumer, or redo the whole order. She couldn't think at all, this day automatically turned into a total disaster! She decided to take the whipped cream and the caramel off. Quickly and skillfully she put a second, but perfect, layer of whipped cream and gave her undivided attention to the task at hand. It was difficult to keep her mind off of the man. The way his green eyes gave off a sense of warmth, his strong jaw line, and his short light brown hair swiped to the side. Are men supposed to be beautiful? Can we call them beautiful? Screw it, Jordan was a beautiful man. Not handsome, beautiful.

Oh man, come on Sky! Concentrate! Stop thinking about this dude and give him this drink. He is a stranger and it will never happen...

When Sky finished her master piece of a drink, she called out his name. Jordan responded to his order and picked it up. He grabbed a straw and she watched him, trying to capture an image of every feature of his perfect body. Soon he left... Jordan was just one of those costumers. Sky's shift was over and she headed up to her apartment. As soon as she stepped inside, her heart dropped, and that pain in her chest returned. Why was she feeling this way towards a stranger? No stranger was worth her tears. But love can seep itself into people in different ways. Love can even start with just pair of very different strangers.


A/N: Yeahhhh! First chapter done! Wooooooot! Anyways, any suggestions? Don't be afraid comment your ideas. Feedback is also needed. Thanks :)


P.S. I'll update soon haha. School is such a drag sometimes.

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