Would the Sentinel freak out?

Be stunned by my audacity to bite someone who isn't registered as a Feeder in front of a member of the Order?

Or would he be turned on by just how wrong it all was?

Maybe I should have Adrian tied up first so he'd feel helpless watching me drink from David. That state of him would be a huge turn on for me as long as he didn't seriously lose it. As unbelievable as it was to some, I had limits. I wouldn't want to leave a permanent mental scar on the guy, not unless he pissed me off anyway.

But I'd see if I'd go through with that at a later date. Right now... Maybe get back to the piano?

Or perhaps go for the violin?

I preferred playing the piano, but David's interruption had put me off of it.

I wasn't feeling like using the violin either though. Looking down at the phone still clutched in my hand, I considered texting my cousin Vika, but I'd spoken to her before I'd started playing and that had been an hour ago.

Maybe I'd call Keri - the Alpha of the Silver Bullets and tease her about something. Lately that something was her mate - a human Detective by the name of Calvin Callum.

Or I could head to the Silver Bullets neighbourhood and drop in unannounced at my father's place. I wasn't dying to see Everett, nor did I want to spend that much time with my stepmother Lisa, but I had nothing against visiting my half-brother Ollie. The little beast was quite charming, especially given he was a purebred wolf shifter and I wasn't generally fond of them.

But Ollie - while still just a baby - had a charisma. Who he'd inherited it from, I wasn't sure. My father certainly didn't possess it. Then again, his youngest brother - Kennedy, was full of it. Out of my three werewolf uncles, Kennedy was my favorite as he was wild, outspoken and would sometimes threaten me with physical violence. While still in his early teens, the bright-eyed kid was fast so trying to dodge him was fun for me.

At least it had been...

I frowned, wondering when I'd last managed to piss of the shifter side of my family enough for them to attempt to attack me. Last summer perhaps, back when Uncle Rhys discovered his mate?

But that had been about a year ago.

Had I lost my touch?

Had I gone soft?

Not only was I finding excuses to visit Oliver, but I'd sort of befriended Keri and I actually liked Rhys' mate Riley. Hell, I was present at Rhys and Riley's mating ceremony a few weeks ago.

My grip on the phone tightened.

I was spending way too much time with those mutts. I was even thinking of visiting them now, although they lived in Woodville and not in Greenwood where my penthouse was. Granted, the two towns were next to each other and it was only a couple of hours of driving to get to where the Bullets were, but it was still too... Too... Not me.

I didn't bond with people.

There were some I tolerated, some I even enjoyed, but I only bonded with Vika, the two of us the only hybrids in a family of pureblood vampires, with me - half-wolf shifter, and her - half-human.

And yes, I did feel something towards baby Ollie, but I could let that one slide.

Who knows? Maybe it's just the novelty of him and I'd get bored of him too as time passes, I thought, but that didn't ring true to me. I somehow knew that if my feelings for him changed, it would be because they'd increased, not decreased their intensity.

I huffed, blaming my werewolf genes for the sentiment. My vampire relations would certainly not display affection openly. Not that I was that open around Ollie... Okay, by my standards, I was.

I was just wondering whether to ban myself from the Silver Bullet's territory for a fortnight, just to prove to myself that I didn't need to see the baby every damn week, when there was a knock on my door.

"Did you order room service?" I asked Luca, who was done with his grooming and was currently curled on top of the stool in front of the piano. The Russian Blue cat didn't get my joke. He stared at me for a few seconds, obviously not amused, then closed his eyes as if dismissing me. Just then, another knock came from the door, this time louder and followed by an unfamiliar voice:

"Aleksei Maksimoff?"

I got up, thinking that hey, maybe whoever it was would alleviate my boredom. When I opened the door, two tall man stood in the hallway and given their stiff bodies and stern faces, I was pretty sure they were either plain-clothed cops or Sentinels.

"Aleksei Maksimoff?" The larger one asked and I realized he was the one who'd called through the door.

"You have the pleasure." I leaned sideways on the doorframe.

"My name is Richard King and this is my partner, Kevin Martinez. We are from the Crime Division of the Sentinel Order. We'd like you to come with us to HQ for questioning."

I raised an eyebrow at them. I'd done plenty of things that would earn me an interrogation or even an arrest if they were to find out about them, but nothing recent.

"What's this about?" I asked. It was Martinez who spoke this time:

"The murder of Simon Wilson."

Okay, a little refresher: Simon and Sarah are the humans Alec hooked up with in Ch

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Okay, a little refresher: Simon and Sarah are the humans Alec hooked up with in Ch. 1.

Now: what did you think of this chapter?

If you've read Sixteen Facts about Alec in the Dogs, Bats & Monkey Series: EXTRAS, then you already knew Alec played the piano and violin, but to those of you who had not read that: were you surprised Alec has a talent for music?

What do you think of him hooking up with an older guy when he was seventeen and posing for said older guy naked?

What about keeping the penthouse David bought him?

Do you think Alec is going soft and would maybe take pity on a conflicted Adrian or would he share Adrian with David?

Do you think Alec had something to do with Simon's murder and is he even capable of killing a human when not provoked?

Please support this chapter with a VOTE if you enjoyed it! I hope you have a great time wattpadding!

Sweeter than Sweets {M/M} (Dogs, Bats & Monkey Series, Book III)Where stories live. Discover now