chapter 4

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After cleaning your morning mess.

(A/N see what i did there... No?...okay :3👌)

You go watch kdramas and eventually you taehyung joins. Your still salty that he didn't help you with your cereal accident earlier and so you scoot away from him but soon you  ignored your emotions and snuggled with my brother.

"Hey what happen in the kitchen earlier?". He asked

"Huh oh (you sit up) um I was pouring my milk and I remember something from yesterday".

"The conversation at the dinner table?".

"Yeah..and I snapped out of it when I felt the milk on my toes".

You both chuckle after you said that.

"Well all we can do is hope that person is not a bad person" He said

"Seokjin?" You said back to him

He was shocked when you said his name "Wait how??... Did you know?"

"I over heard you guys talking"

"Oh true" He nods

You start to think of the future with a person you never seen or heard and you suddenly feel sick to your stomach, you get up quickly and head to the bathroom and vomit. Taehyung hears you puke and rushes to the bathroom.


you look up at him staring at you with a scared and worried face.
"Yeah I just felt sick of thinking that I'm meeting a man that I don't know and marrying know?"

"No I'm not the one getting married"
You stayed quiet, he breaks the quiet and asks you
"But are you okay? Do you need me to get anything for you?"

You smile at your caring brother.

"No I'm okay I'm going to clean up... Go away"
"Okay just be careful if u need me just call me ok? "
"Yeah yeah" You wave at him to leave.

5 hours later~
To be continued

(A/N it's 4:04 am lol 😂😂😂 I realize a lot of people publish there stories at night but anyways I'm sorry if there is grammar errors I'm to lazy to reread lol post later I don't know?)

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