Chapter 3: Why Won't You Speak?

Start from the beginning

Yuya grimanced at the dragon, he didn't like being called a kid, but then, he never even considered answering the dragon's question on who he was, it seemed unfair but the boy could not let his mouth comply, since it would clamp shut on instinct. He was still afraid. Yes it was naive and foolish of him to still hold on to that nightmare, but no one could honestly blame him. The bullies had almost shred his dignity out of him forcibly, had he not jabbed his elbow hard upon the bully's rib and flipping his body over so he rammed straight to the other three. He shook his head, snapping out of his trance when Yuto put him down on his back. The teen male squeaked as he sat upon the reptile's back, he raised his confusion laden eyes which was answered by a snort as Yuto slowly started trudging out of the cave and unto the world outside.

Bright light suddenly met them and Yuya had to squint his eyes so it could adjust to the brightness. When he was sure that his vision was better, he fully opened them and gasped when the sight of the outside met him. The trees were stretching from far beyond, almost like a vast ocean. He could see a field full of flowers and the grass splayed out on the open, he raised his head and felt a stab of pain go through his heart as he saw his village upon the distance. The lively noise could not be heard here but he was sure that he could hear the music and chatter right now and the cave that they were currently in was perched high upon the mountain, enough for a good view.

The boy visibly sulked. He was not welcomed in his village anymore, after being chased out. Yuya doubt that they woud not welcome him, much less give him a hug. The male shuddered and hugged himself, imagining different scenarios playing in his head, his eyes shut tight. Yuto blinked and turned his head to the boy, tilting it and nudging him. "Is something the matter?" he questioned, and Yuya's eyes snapped open, shock and definetly disbelief coursing through him. The male quickly shook his head and hastily got down from Yuto's back, wanting to be comfortabe for once. The crimson eyed male inclined his head and sauntered off to a nearby rock, resting his backside on the stone. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back, absorbing the heat of the sun. Yuto shook his head and looked over to the village, he suppose could get more supplies on the village since his materials and neccesities were running out.

While Yuya was basking under the sun, trying to remember the feel of it. He felt something poke at him, making him groan out in protest, but the poking did not seize, instead it became stronger and firmer. Finally, he could no longer take it and snapped his blazing orb over to whoever was prodding at him. He did a double take at the disgusting looking disfigured ghost infront of him and let out a tiny scream. The ghost had its hand pointing, as if about to poke him again had not Yuya backed away from it. The lithe teen could not figure out if the ghost was male or femae, he screamed once again, not noticing that he had bumped into Yuto.

To say that the dragon was shock was an understatement, as he looked down at the quivering boy. He traced Yuya's vision and held down a look of disgust from his features. The thing was nasty looking and very much hideous, he doubted it was even human. Oh , screw it. That thing was far more than that. Then a thought struck him as he looked over to Yuya. 'He can see ghosts? That means he's. ." the dragon trailed off, then snapped back to attention as the boy started clawing at his scales with his nails rather painfully. The disfigured ghost slowly inched forward until Yuto could take it no longer, and he snapped. "SCRAM, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF DUNG! YOU'RE SCARING MY CHARGE!" he roared, the ground shaking. The ghost stopped and looked at Yuto as if the thing just noticed his appearance. Its eyes trailed back to Yuya, making said boy flinch, then it look back at the dark dragon and fleeted away from sight. Yuto coud not explain why he told the ghost off, he was fine with them lingering around but just snapping and from this human? That's just creepy and at the same time fascinating.

The dragon hummed at that and watched as the ghost scampered off, rather begrudgingly. It had every intention of wanting to drag Yuya away from him.

Yuya's eyes glimmed with relief and he looked up at Yuto, his eyes telling him how grateful he was; 'Thank you' the dragon received a hug from the boy, his arms spread out on Yuto's large chest. The dragon blinked and opened his mouth. "Will you tell me why you do not speak?" he asked again and Yuya tensed up. Finaly, Yuto fired questions at the poor teen, hurling them at him.

"Did you do something to them?" a shake of a head was his answer, the boy seeming to sink through the ground, Yuto however, was persistant.

"Did you steal?" another shake of the head.

"Did you lost someone?" a slow but hesitant nod, then Yuto began to piece the needed information.

"You're orphaned?" a nod. Yuto sighed and finally he said. "What have they done to you? Did they do something terrible?"

The crimson haired boy trembled, either from anger or sadness, he did not know. Finally, Yuya looked up at the dragon, his expression pained. This made Yuto's heart wrench, he was ready to apologize, when out of nowhere, the tomato haired boy sighed and answered, his voice soft and pained, that made Yuto's eyes widen in surprise. This boy had a musical voice. Yuto wondered if the boy was a singer, but then again, looks can be deceiving.

"I wil tell you, but only if you do not interrupt." he said, every part of his body shaking, threatening to pass out had he not stubbornly pushed the fear and adrenaline down to the deepest part of his mind.

Crimson and gray clashed, seeming to create invisible sparks as the red orbs narrowed and he opened his mouth once again.


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