Chapter 2: Chased Out and Captured

Start from the beginning

"Yuya! I need two curry rice and some lemonade!" hollered the one who was listing down the orders.

"Yes sir! I got it!" he yelled above the noisy cutlery.

Yuya was a chef, he was hired in one of the famished restaurant most rich peoplego. Luck seemed to have took pity on him, since the chef, that was incharge of the kitchen, loved his cooking and instantly arranged for him an interview with the manager, surprisingly, she didn't put up a fight and Yuya was welcomed in the crew.

The kitchen however, was what disturbed Yuya the most. There were a bunch of ghost in here. Mostly 3 or about 6 of them. It bothered the crimson eyed boy that they were here but he kept silent of it, not wanting to blow his cover and be called a freak by his crew. He wouldn't, and will not, risk it. True, it might be freaky, but he would rather get himself in danger rather than make everyone panic.

He shivered and went back to cooking, ignoring the ghost as they poked and prodded at him. He was used to this, biting his lip and witholding his anger within, being careful that he would not be caught yelling at thin air.


A few more days have passed, Yuya was starting to feel neglected. The streets would become quite when he passed by, earning him unabashed whispers when he disappeared out of the ear shot. The town seemed to have believed the rumor that the tomato haired teen was carrying a demon in his body, and that it was taking control of him. Yuya did not pay any attention to this rumor, ignoring it and saying that he was only a normal boy. Of course, some believed him but others, not quite.

The torture was close to being tolerable, it was usually the beatings and name callings that he received but one day it almost got out of hand. He was almost raped, for heaven's sake! After that incident, he was traumatized to silence and Yuya only spoke when he was needed to speak.

Then, one particular day, was the day everything changed for the young lithe teen.

He was about to step into town, when the huntsmen blocked his path, all bearing pitch forks and swords. Yuya took a step back and gulped harshly, his lips trembling as he tried to speak on what they were doing, blocking his path. The head huntsman scowled, glaring down at Yuya, making said boy shrink back in fear. "Get out of this town, you are not welcomed here boy." he spat harshly, directing them to the cowering male.

The crimson hues dilated and widened in newborn fear. He was not welcomed in this town? But--

He looked over to his tormentors with wide eyes, seeing them smirking secretly but pretended to be scared hiding behind the adults. His feet took a shaky step back, then another. One of the men raised his sword and that was all Yuya needed to know.

He swirved sharply and ran.

"Follow him! Kill him!" One of them hollered, but Yuya could not make out whose voice it was. The adrenaline pumping through his veins was far too much to ignore, he turned sharply and rammed straight through a pile of barrels before he picked himself up and sprinted off to the forest, his persecutors hot on his trails.

Yuya finally entered the woods, his feet pounding harshly on the ground as he tried to slip away from his captors. His harsh breaths were the only thing heard, as branches and plants snapped on impact upon his arms and legs. The shouting of the village pursuers could be heard as they followed the boy into the wilderness. The slim looking youth frantically looked around, trying to see if there was some place to hide, the shrill screams of his pursuers bled through his ears.

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