Chapter VI: Sunrise.

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My first sunrise on earth

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My first sunrise on earth. It was more than I my mind had imagined for so long. A soft warm breeze passed through my hair and went into my lungs, the sky was all shades of pink and orange. The clouds covered the peaking bright rounded sun. The ball of warmth and happiness.
I stepped out of the tunnel and sat on the sand and rocks. This deserted place was once a city, where people lived, children played and couples loved one another. Now it was nothing but a reminder of death and destruction. The sun was overpowering, but so beautiful. I took in every second, every breath. How lucky I was to be down here. Even if death would follow me, I would die knowing I had a family and I had visited this beautiful planet earth. I soon heard footsteps behind me, it was Clarke. She walked over to my side and then sat down next to me. We didn't say anything for a while, only taking in this special moment together. The sunrise. How nature can preserve a moment in time is beyond any physics or mathematics explanation. Nature transformed a moment into something more meaningful.

Clarke had such blue eyes and beautiful short blonde locks

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Clarke had such blue eyes and beautiful short blonde locks. She was staring out into the distance and her expression was extemely pensive. She was thinking. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay. Now we had Zeke on our team we know Charmaines' next moves, we only lack in numbers.
I felt like someone really important to her was in space, someone she cared about deeply. The drawing of the boy that was next to mom had to be special to my sister. I couldn't start the morning with war dialogue and conversation, maybe something more lovable. 

"Is he up there? In space?" I asked with a soft voice.

She smiled. "Ah you're quick" She sighed and continued. "But you're also right. He is up there. He's my friend, we worked together to lead our people, him with the heart and me with the head. For ages I thought I couldn't do it without him. When I told them to leave me behind so I could let them take-off, the one thing I didn't want him to feel was guilt." Clarke began to tear up...

"I don't want him to feel bad for leaving me. I radio-ed him everyday, telling him that. But the radiation blocked the signal. Before I found Madi, I was hopeless. I didn't believe in survival or life or anything. This life takes everything I have away from me. My father, my mother, my friends even my lover. Death follows me. I was going to end everything Lara. But I found hope, she came to me, my little Madi. And now you, my sister." She put her head on my shoulder.

"You're so brave sister." I said, the atmosphere was tense and emotional. So I had to ease it up.

"What was lover-boys name hmm?" Clarke looked at me and laughed. 

"Haha not a lover! A friend."

I rolled my eyes "Yeh yeh that's what we all say"

She stood up, then gestured my hand to help me onto my feet. We walked over to the rover, then she passed me some supplies. Clarke gave me a smile, she saw I was still waiting for his name. We began to walk back to the tunnel. She turned around and looked at me:

"Bellamy, his name is Bellamy"

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