Chapter I: Shallow Valley

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"Where did you get this from?" she asked with a croaky voice as tears ran down her face. "It's been with me since I was born. But I don't know whose it is, I don't know where I came from." I said, seeing her crying made me cry. She looked at me again. We didn't have to say anything but we knew we had some kind of connection.
Then she touched my face and said softly "A.G... Abigail Griffin. That's my mother."

CHAPTER I: Shallow Valley

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CHAPTER I: Shallow Valley

Abigail Griffin. Abigail. Griffin. Abigail. Those words didn't leave my head. This girl crying in front of me, she is the person I have been dreaming about all these years, she is my family. She took me into her arms and we hugged for what seemed ages. The little girl next to her smiled at me. I had only been on earth for a few hours but I had found more answers than my whole life aboard the Eligius ship in space. She had the same face as me. The same nose. Even the same lips. The only thing that differed us were that I had pure brown long hair and brown eyes and she had blonde short hair and blue crystal eyes. I believed she was my sister. But I nor she was sure of this.

"Lara? Right?" She asked me while wiping her tears.

"Yes that's me" I replied with a smile and nodded my head.

"We probably need to get out of the forests and to our safe spot" she said affirmatively.

She handed my heavy gun back to me and she agreed that it was in fact extremely heavy. She was wearing a leather jacket and pants, she looked super cool. I followed her footsteps. One at a time. We didn't say much she just kept looking back at me every once in awhile. It was like she was checking I was still there. That this wasn't just a dream. I came up to her and took her hand to affirm to her that everything was okay. We smiled at each other. It was like looking into a mirror. The trees were still huge and dominating us. The sun hardly made its way down through the trees, only a few spots of light showed.

We walked for a bit and then came to what looked like a small village

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We walked for a bit and then came to what looked like a small village. There were small colorful flags hanging from above, tents all around a few tables with food on them and in the front I saw some huge mechanical item, I have never seen something like this. I walked up to it. Looked inside through the window, this was too small to be a drop-ship I thought and it had wheels of some sort.
Then the girl said "Do you like my rover Lara?"

 Then the girl said "Do you like my rover Lara?"

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A rover, what is a rover?

I smiled at her and very stupidly said "So what does it do?"

Puzzled and confused, the girl came to me and laughed. She opened the door and told me to sit in. She then went around and sat on the other side. There was a wheel in front of her. She turned what seemed to be a key and the engine rumbled. Then her foot eased down on the floor and we began to move. I looked out the window. I was so shocked. This is amazing. I moving vehicle. I smiled at her. She turned around the wheel and we went back to the village. She was staring at me when I was looking around this rover. It was so amazing my eyes were wide open.

Then she laughed and said "You really do come from space."

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