Chapter V: Choosing sides.

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"Your sister L? Are you serious right now!" Zeke said looking at me looking confused. 

I wiped the blood off my nose and then Clarke tore some of her t-shirt and tried to stop the bleeding

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I wiped the blood off my nose and then Clarke tore some of her t-shirt and tried to stop the bleeding. I looked up at him with anger, firstly because my nose hurt and head thanks to this idiot,  and secondly because he had just screamed and pointed a gun at my sister and Madi.

"Yes Zeke, my actual sister, and If you ever try to point a gun at her or Madi again; I will kill you Zeke!" I said pointing my finger right in his face. 

He smiled, probably at the fact that I said I would kill him.As if I could kill him, I couldn't even hold my gun straight.

 "Wow, Is this true? I have no words. Lara this is huge, you have got a family reunion going on and everything I see, wow...." he then paused. Changed expression, as if reality had just caught up to him,  and then he continued in a sarcastic voice.

"So what's the plan? I'm guessing your knew sister isn't a huge fan of us right? What are we gonna do? Lara do you actually think it's just gonna be butterflies and daisies from here on out? We are the enemy. Don't you see that?" He said looking at me with a serious face.

He grabbed my arm and pushed me outside the tunnel

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He grabbed my arm and pushed me outside the tunnel. 

"Zeke please. Stop! You're hurting me. Yes I have thought this through. I am now standing against Charmaine and the rest of them. I don't know about you but I am fed up of her. That evil bitch telling everyone what to do. She hurts everyone, everywhere she goes. I know you are the good guy Zeke. Come with me and Clarke we will stand against her."

I was asking a lot from him. I mean, he was trained for ages to kill. This was his ultimate mission. He was so sure he knew who the enemy was up until this moment. But he too was tired of Charmaine's' ruthless leading. He hated her guts. He would join us, I didn't doubt it. But getting along with Clarke and Madi, that would be a whole other problem.

Zeke was my brother, not by blood, but he was always there for me. Now that I had actually found my sister, how would he respond? I didn't know.
We walked back into the tunnel.

 I whispered to him "Be nice, please"

Then he answered shocked and jokingly,  "What! I'm always nice L"

He came up to Clarke and Madi and apologized. "I'm Zeke, nice to meet you both. Look, so sorry about that earlier, I'm just a bit shocked that's all. So you're like my little sister's actual sister?"

Clarke stayed neutral. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lara's brother. Not her real brother but when we were on the Eligius ship in space, we didn't have many friends and Lara and I were the only "non-prisoners" aboard. But to answer your question, me, I'm just a space explorer" he said sincerely. With that cute speech Clarke failed to change expression. She didn't trust him. I saw it. I felt it.

"You need to go back to your commander. We don't need you here. Go now before I change my mind and shoot you in the face, space explorer." Clarke exclaimed. 

Zeke looked confused. He couldn't go back, he didn't want to. I went over to Clarke. I took her to the side to talk to her privately.

"Hey look Clarke, I know you don't trust him, and you have only just met me too. But please, he was my only family aboard Eligius, and he hates Charmaine as much as I do. He could help us so much, he is trained like an actual soldier. He knows the enemies plans and battle tactics. Please trust him because I do Clarke." 

She looked at me, troubled. She was lost. She only wanted to protect her child and save her friends. Zeke could help her even-though he wasn't fully trustworthy. She paused. Looked over at Madi who was playing with Zeke now. She then took a deep breath...

"Okay Lara, fine. We could use him and his strength. But one step out of line and he is out. No one knows this earth like I do. He listens to me and does what I say." 

Clarke sounded so in-charge and cool. Wow, my sister was a bad ass queen, I thought in my head...

My eyes glowed and a huge smile appeared on my face then she smiled too. I jumped into her arms and said excitingly:
"Thank you, thank you!!! Yes he will listen and I will listen, we all will listen to you!! I'll make sure of it." 

We both walked over to him and Madi. Clarke smiled at Zeke and said:

"So space explorer what's our next move?"

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