I just want to Help you!

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Error sat in the living room on the couch, reading the storybook for the third time. His little brother Fresh was lying next to him and was watching some old cartoons on the TV. Their mother had left a while ago to buy some groceries and to secretly visit the hospital again to talk a little longer with a few doctors. After finishing again, the older one sighing and was debating with himself if he should say out loud what was plaguing him right now. Another silent lasted in which he subconscious began to starre at the TV, watching some cat running after a mouse with a hammer in its hand before he took in a deep breath and turned to Fresh: "fReSh? CaN I AsK You A QuEsTiOn?" after hearing a hum Error continued, "sO.. I WaS ThInKInG. Do.. DO YoU thInk, iT iS truE WhAt iS WrItTEn in thIs BooK?" The colorful one turned his head a little to see what his brother meant and shrugged with his shoulders. "Don' know why not. I mean, Mom's reading it to me and why would she read something that's a lie? Why you're asking bro?" Errors face lit up. That means Fresh thought it could work! And even if it was just his stupid little brother, it means someone else thought the same as him and that his idea wasn't as crazy as he originally thought. He smiled wildly while opening the book for the fourth time on the first page. "nO pArTIcuLaR ReAson! JuSt WanTeD to KnoW!"

Fresh had watched the happy monster for a while and made a mental note about it all before turning back to his show. He didn't know what to think about that. He rarely sees his brother like that and not to count the fact that yesterday he got told that Geno is never going to come home again. So why had this Monster that look on his face? Error only looks like that when Geno is getting better and was spending time with him. So shouldn't he be the opposite of how he is acting now? He is the one who is the most sensitive about what is happening to Geno. Fresh himself kind of just accepted what was going to happen. After all there is nothing he could do to change Genos fate so he just decided to go on as always and since Geno was now in the hospital for a very long time, he got used to just be with Error and his Momma. But trying to figure out what was wrong with his normal grumpy and almost aggressive brother made his head hurt and he still didn't really understood the topic 'feelings' in general that well. So he decided he is going to just ignore it for now. Maybe he will understand it sometime later, who knows.

The two siblings sat like that for a while until they heard the key in the front door turn and open. As soon as that happened Fresh jumped down from the couch and walked to out into the hallway in where CQ was removing her coat and hung it afterwards on a coat hanger. Before his Momma left, he had asked if she could buy him the new part of a Comic he enjoys reading and looking at all the colorful pictures and now he wanted it of course. Error on the other hand didn't move at all. He was too busy trying to figure out a perfect and flawless plan to finish his quest in saving Geno than to see what his mother had bought for them.

Error had to find a way to somehow sneak out of the house without being caught and afterwards had to make it to the hospital to Geno. He knew the way how to get there but the problem was that his Momma always drove them there with the car and that means that now he had to get there alone and that on foot. He also has to get all the stuff he needed for the excursion but at least he had an idea to help! All around that should be easier right?

Error was so lost in thoughts that he didn't even realize that som- "HEY ERROR!" he jumped at that and looked up into a pair of constantly changing eyes. "I-iNk?! WhAt Are YoU DoInG HerE? AnD.. ANd WHy ArE YOu sNeAkIng Up oN ME LiKE tHaT!!" The smile he had worn before Fresh had left the room was now completely gone and he glared angrily at ink. His friend lifting his hands in a calming manner and gave him a bride smile as an answerer "Calm down! I didn't mean to scare you! My mom and I were taking a walk and while doing that we met yours and then she.. She told us if we wanted to come.. because.." The smile faded and he looked worried at his friend, careful with his wording he went on: "I'm sorry about all of that. Geno doesn't deserve this.. D-do you want to talk to me about all of that? I know you're suffering and maybe it will help you?" Ink looked really caring at the darker one, who had an emotionless stare pointed at him. "No. yOu WouLdn'T UndErSTanD. YoU WouLD TeLl mE tO JuSt WenT On AnD To nOt tAkE iT 'TOo CloSe to The SouL' LiKE mY Mom DiD. I Don'T nEeD ThAt. BesIDes I hAVe mUch moRE imPoRtaNt StuFf tO Do tHEn to jUst tAlk, beCauSE tHAT Is reAlly PoInTleSS." Error had shut the book loudly, while not taking his glance of Ink. After he slipped down of the couch he ran past Ink out of the living room and into his own. Slamming the door shut behind him.

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