"You're not real." I say backing up slowly.

"Of course I am." He says with and hesitation.

"What's behind your facade?" I ask

"There ya go Raven keep backing away, you'll wake up quickly." Who is that talking to me, through my mind?

"I am hiding nothing." He says stepping closer to me. I gasp as he's suddenly right in front of me and I go to jump back but he holds me in place.

"That boy. He shouldn't be able to break through these walls." He hisses into my face. I try to back away but I can't I'm stuck with this man! This demon and there is no escape!

"Let go of me!" I yell and he smirks his white pearly teeth vanishing into thin air now replaced with monstrous fangs circling his mouth.

"Let me go!" I scream

"No, I tried to do this the easy way but you're handler broke through to your dream world." He hisses then licks a trail on my neck. I shiver in pleasure and a moan leaves my lips uncontrollably. He pulls me hard against him and starts to gently kiss the weak spot behind my ear. My knees shake and I am full a pleasure.

"Let her go now!" Eric's here! But I can't move. The demon yanks away from me and I whimper for his touch, I need relief.

"Raven walk over to me." Eric says and I smile lazily at him. He's handsome too. Perfect built frame and muscles that ripple under his gray shirt.

"Hey Eric." I mumble still not all there.

"What did you do to her!?" Eric yells at the man behind me.

"He made me happy! But I need relief." I say starting to tilt from side to side.

"Izgaist dēmons." Eric says and I watch the man well demon behind me vanish. Suddenly feeling very very weak I lean forwards and start to fall. Strong arms wrap around me before I hit the floor and I gasp for air then jerk out of the dream and find myself on my bed.

"Breathe Raven I got you. He's gone." Eric whispers stroking my hair. I shake and hold onto him so scared. So scared that the demon got to me so quickly, scared at the fact that if Eric hadn't broken through I would've done something way worse then a simple kiss that would either kill me or turn me.

"What's wrong with me?" I whisper. He sighs and strokes my hair.

"Is something wrong with me? Why me? Why do they want me?" I ask

"You're strong." He says and I shake my head.

"I would've died if you hadn't broken through into my dreams." I say

"You would've gotten away. You would've seen through him." He says and I nod. A few moments of silence pass before I sit up and look at him. He keeps his arms gently around me as I meet his eyes.

"How'd you do it?" I ask and he looks down.

"Eric?" I ask and he sighs

"I woke up in the middle of the night and you were laying on the bed but seemed disoriented. Your eyes were wide open but you couldn't see me. I shook you and you started talking and then it connected in my brain. You had dream slipped." He says and I nod

"He had you under his control through seduction and also by the fact that when you are asleep you are easy to break through too. You were vulnerable. So he used those two things against you and called you towards him. I started talking to you and connected my mind with yours just enough to pull you away for a few seconds. You started talking to me through your mind so I knew you were still in there just too weak to do anything. So I had to keep connected with you and slip into your dream. He had you easily you were seduced and easily persuaded by anything he did or said. You were going mad because he gave you so much pleasure yet you couldn't get any relief afterwards because I entered. He felt me enter and put something into your system which caused you to feel weaker and less over control of your own body. But him doing that weakened himself so he was easy to get out." He says

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