Chapter 4 - "In case you're wondering, it's for drug running."

Start from the beginning

"Not possible," a strong-jawed guy with blonde hair said. "I nailed Jace in the head with a water balloon and Chad got it all on video."

Jace punched Bryce in the arm. "I think you're forgetting the part where I hit you in the face twice right after that."

Bryce scoffed but didn't argue.

"Gentleman if we can please stay focused," Rachel said. "If not, I will have to ask you to leave and I will let your coach know that you were kicked off the project."

The baseball team members winced at the threat and made no comment.

"Excellent," Rachel said. "Now what I have already proposed to the school board and they have approved of is..." She paused, her eyes bright with excitement. "A Fair! We'll have game booths, prizes and to top it all off we are making an old fashion lovers lane!"

The supportive members of Rachel's group clapped and cheered loudly while nudging their companions to do the same. Surprisingly, Jace stood and cheered the loudest of the bunch. His enthusiasm even caused some of the doubtful students to join in. When he gave a loud whoop most of the girls in the room giggled. Haley watched as he took their amusement in stride, even throwing a wink at one of them.

"I am happy to hear you're as excited as I am," Rachel said. Her eyed narrowed on a group of guys. "And before you guys can turn the lover's lane idea into something dirty in your mind I am warning you not to. It's more of a take cute pictures and post them sort of situation, so there will be a bench with roses around it and an archway to walk through. Something like that." Her face went hard. "And I swear if you ruin it I will get you suspended from the team. Got it?"

Nods rippled through the players, knowing all too well the determination which fueled the words.  The way in which the team reacted so submissively to Rachel surprised Haley. She was used to the players doing whatever they pleased and not caring what happened in the process. But there was clearly something about Rachel they knew but she didn't.

"Now," Rachel said, falling back into her friendly tone, "I know this is a big project and that's why I am giving us three weeks to prepare for it. I'll be breaking you into teams and pairs and assigning booths that you will be assembling. All the materials are already here, we just have to put everything together."

She started going through her list of booths, calling out names. The groups and pairs that she formed were sometimes a jumble of different students from separate cliques and sometimes best friends all put together.

"Haley Owens," Rachel said. "You'll be working on the Kissing Booth with-"

"Actually," Haley cut in. "I'm totally fine working on my own. I can get it done in time."

Rachel gave her a sweet smile but shook her head. "I admire a girl who can handle her own but I want things done soon in case there are other projects that need to be helped with. So you will be working with Isaac Thompson. For the Fishing game Jace Cortez, Josie Tiler..."

Haley crossed her arms, annoyed that she would be paired with another person. She had learned from experience that people tended to just get underfoot and slow her down. Thoughts on how to still take on the project alone were whirling around her brain when Rachel called the room back to attention.

"There you have it, your future team members. If you don't know them I suggest saying hi before you leave. That is all for today we will meet up in this room again tomorrow after school to start work on your booths! Thanks for helping out!"

Rachel's boyfriend stepped up and gave her a hand, as she stepped off the chair. Collecting her backpack, Haley stood, vaguely wondering if she even wanted to meet up with her team member. Before she could decide Isaac was beside her.

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