Chapter 04: "Recipe for Disaster"

Start from the beginning

You open the door and the loud, and somewhat annoying voice of Jon Bon Jovi hits you like a brick wall. Seriously, can Stefan be any more annoying right now?

You walk down the first steps before you stare down at two dead girls at the foot of the rug-covered stairs "I love waking up to dead people in the morning." you mutter to yourself as you casually hop over them. Once you reach the living room you are greeted with a very disturbing sight. Stefan casually hangs out on the couch with a bloody twister mat at his feet.

"Uh-oh. Alexandra, left hand, please." Stefan ignores you and Alexandra gives him her hand and he turns it and bites her wrist.

There are footsteps heard from behind you and you can hear Damon hopping over the girls in the same manner as you did a few seconds ago.

"Hey, the two brunettes on the staircase owe me a Persian rug." Damon notes and stops dead in his track once he sees how Stefan is playing a very bloody and deadly version of twister.

"You mean, they owe us a Persian rug? It's my house, too, brother."

"A persian rug, seriously? What are we, the Kelly Family?" you shake your head at your brother's weirdly fancy taste. What happened to them?

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon gestures towards Stefan and his questionable company.

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be."

You are so much more than this, little brother and you know it.

A knock on the door echoes through the halls. Damon goes and opens the front door, revealing Rebekah packed with shopping bags. "Where's Stefan?"

"What the hell are you doing here, Rebekah?" you step in her way but she casually ignores your attempt, takes a step to her left and enters the living room.

"He left me here. My brother actually left me here."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Stefan raises his eyebrows "Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care."

You snicker, completely agreeing with your brother's comment. You really don't care what happens to Rebekah. Not anymore. You used to be friends once upon a time but as always, her loyalty to Klaus doomed your friendship as time went on.

"You're Klaus' sister?"

<<p>"Rebekah. Pleasure, I'm sure." she turns her head and flashes him a fake smile "Which one's my room?"

"You're not staying here." Stefan shakes his head.

"Definitely not." you add.

She then looks at Damon expecting an answer from him as well, but he remains silent.

"Rude. All of you. I'll see to it myself." she walks off and hurries up the stairs.

The vibrating of your phone interrupts you from going after her and kindly throw her out of the house. "Just stay the hell out of my room!"

You open the text message: We have a new location for that missing diamond of yours: 1612 Oaklawn Ave, Charlotte, NC 28216

Finally after all these years a new lead. But what about Stefan? What about your brother that has fallen into the deep end yet again? But it is the diamond you have been searching for. You cannot give away that chance. Maybe you could spare one day to retrieve the diamond and then focus on getting Stefan away from Klaus and maybe, just maybe bargain Kol's freedom with the diamond, or simply try to finish the dagger on your own. Yes, going after the diamond sounds like the best plan for now.

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