Short: Spartans Never Die ( Pyrrha x Male Reader )

Start from the beginning

Pyrrha stood in front of me with her casual brown dress. Even though it wasn't her usual spartan outfit, I still loved the way she looked in anything.

Pyrrha:"Hello, (Y/n)." She greeted happily. I snapped out of my trance and smiled back at her.

"Hi, Pyrrha. It's nice to see you." I replied. She smiled at me kindly, and I remembered my gift. I held out the flowers, and her eyes widened in surprise.

Pyrrha:"Are these for me?!" She asked in shock. I nodded timidly, and Pyrrha took the flowers.

"I-I hope you like them." I said a bit nervously. Pyrrha smiled warmly at me.

Pyrrha:"No, (Y/n). I love them." She stated sincerely. My cheeks heated up from her comment. I watched her sniff the flowers happily. Pyrrha loved flowers, but rarely ever received them. Her father always wanted Pyrrha to be tough and strong, so Pyrrha rarely had time to get in touch with her gentle side. I gladly took the liberty to help her out. I chose the flowers that Pyrrha always fantasized about having for herself. Now I could help her out a bit, and see that smile I loved.

"Come on. There's more." I told her. Her eyes gleamed with excitement, and the two of us headed for the flowery field I found. When we arrived, it was one if the happiest times I've ever seen Pyrrha. She and I danced and played around in the flower fields. Our laughter filled the air, and our cheeks hurt from smiling too much. Time passed by so quickly because of the fun we were having. I never wanted the moment to end. Just Pyrrha and I enjoying our time together.

Eventually, we decided to rest at a nearby tree. Pyrrha lied by my side, and we stared at the clouds passing by. The two of us would call out what we though the clouds looked like. Pyrrha was more realistic, while mine was more on the creative side. At least it made her laugh, so I was elated. We then went silent for a bit. That was until Pyrrha brought something up.

Pyrrha:"I'm going to miss you, (Y/n)." She said sadly. I grew confused and turned to face her. There was disappointment and sadness written all over her face.

"Why?" I asked in confusion. Pyrrha looked at me with her teary emerald eyes.

Pyrrha:"I'm moving away, (Y/n). It's to participate in competitions. My family won't be able to afford traveling constantly for me to fight." She clarified. My eyes widened a little. I had known this was coming, but I wanted to delay the inevitable.

"So what now?" I asked in a gloomy tone. Pyrrha sniffled.

Pyrrha:"I don't know if I will be able to see you anymore, (Y/n). I don't want to leave you." She said in a pained tone. Those words made my heart beat faster, but also hurt at the same time. Pyrrha was right. We both were unsure if we could see each other again.

I looked at Pyrrha, and she had stared crying. It pained me so much to see her like this. My mind went on overdrive to think of a solution. There were many methods to seeing her, but it would be rare. So I had to choose one that was extremely meaningful. The perfect idea popped in my head.

"Pyrrha." I called out to her. She sniffled and looked at me. I smiled warmly at her and presented my idea.

"How about we promise to meet each other on your first competition?" I proposed the idea. Her eyes lit up with hope.

I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY ) Harem x A**hole Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now