Chapter Seventeen

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For about three hours, all we did was practice. He made me go over each song about four times, and if I messed up ever so slightly, he'd stop me and fix what I did wrong. I was forced to do the highest parts of 'Slightly Chipped Full Moon' at least eight times.

I took a few breaths as he let me break for a few minutes. Sitting on the piano bench, I closed my eyes. Two more days. I thought to myself. Two more days, and then I never have to see this place again.

"Here, my sweet." I looked up and saw the Phantom, who had a glass of water in his hand. I thanked him and quickly drank it.

Two. More. Days.

Long Time Skip

I was standing backstage, my palms sweating profusely. I'd returned about a day ago, and the time I spent in the Opera Ghost's lair had been an interesting one.

Some times, a minute felt like hours, and some hours felt like minutes. I'd be woken each morning after what seemed like a thirty second slumber to a plate of food and an organ being loudly played.

The Opera Ghost seemed very on edge and tense, and I guessed it was because he'd only have me as a student once the performance was completed. His embraces were shaky, and he didn't kiss me at all.

The house suddenly got very quiet. I adjusted my dress slightly as Monsieur André and Monsieur Firmin began the opening speech.

I stared down at my dress. It was the one that the Phantom had made that went with the mannequin. It fit perfect. My hair was pulled back in a long braid, with a few pale blue ribbons tied in. The finishing touch was a gold elven tiara.

Carlotta had helped me get ready, to my surprise. She seemed to have finally awoken from her spell of narcissism and boasting to let me have a moment. She knew I was downright terrified as she laced my corset and brushed out my hair. Her kindness gave me strength.

The audience began clapping, and my heart dropped. Christine, who was standing behind me, gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"You got this." She whispered. Taking a deep breath, I stepped out onto the stage just as I'd rehearsed.

The set was designed to look like a beautiful garden, with statues and flowers everywhere. The orchestra started, and I knew it was time.

The lyrics of my song "The Voice" flowed from my vocal chords so smoothly. A smile crept to my lips, and no matter how much I tried, it wouldn't go away.

I slowly began to walk around the stage as I sang the word "free." The audience's faces lit up and I saw a few nods of approval.

My eyes traveled up to the box seats, where I saw Raoul, and my smile was even brighter. It almost dropped but I managed to keep it on as I looked past him.

Right behind him was the all-too familiar white mask of the Phantom. His eyes gazed down on me, and I felt my stomach drop. I stared intensely back at him for a few seconds, forcing my smile to grow wider.

My gaze broke away as I faced the audience once again, the words automatically coming from me. I didn't need to think that hard to remember the lyrics, due to how much I'd practiced. I tried not to think about all of the audience members, but I was required to sing out to them.

I took a breath as I completed the first song. It was at that moment when I realized why Carlotta and Christine loved to perform: the applause. It was like a wave crashing over me as the sound of clapping and whooping filled my ears. I grinned. This is where I'm meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2018 ⏰

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