Chapter Four

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Erik's POV

She stared at me, her eyes wide, jaw opened slightly. I'd been caught.

"Who..." She couldn't finish her sentence. I could understand why.

"I am the Opera Ghost himself, my sweet." I said, walking towards her. She backed up instantly. She then eyed the music in my hands.

"Why are you looking at my music?" She asked.

"I found it quite interesting, I must say." I said. "Your beauty shines through your writing. I have one small request." She was up against the wall, me right in front of her. I could see the fear in her gorgeous blue eyes.

"Sing it for me." I commanded.

Celestina's POV

My back was against the wall, his large figure towering over me. He was extremely tall, and compared to my short, thin figure, I felt as if he could put me over his shoulder and haul me out of this room.

"Sing it for me." He said.

"What..." I was so confused. Why would he want me to sing?

"I've heard your voice, my dear." He said, reading my mind. "You're voice perfectly represents your name; Celestina, a name that means heavenly." My face darkened.

"T-thank you..." I stuttered, my nerves getting the best of me. "But the real star is my s-sister..." His face hardened, making me scared all over again.

"Dear child, she is nothing compared to you." He said, his deep voice giving me shivers. "Your voice is perfect for the stage. I would love for you to preform. Now, please sing."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded ever so slightly as he handed me my music. I took a deep breath as I took the sheets in my hands.

I hear your voice on the wind
And I hear you call out my name

"Listen, my child, " you say to me
"I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call, and I'll set you free"

I looked over at the terrifying man, who listened, his eyes closed.

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice, I will remain

I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow
Ne'er do I sleep throughout all the cold winter long
I am the force that in springtime will grow

I am the voice of the past that will always be
Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields
I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace
Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you

I am the voice
I am the voice of the past that will always be
I am the voice of your hunger and pain

I am the voice of the future
I am the voice, I am the voice
I am the voice, I am the voice

Erik's POV

Her voice was like velvet. I opened my eyes to see her standing on the tips of her toes, holding herself up as she sang. She looked like a beautiful bird that I wanted to put in a cage and keep forever.

Once she was done, she looked over at me, her breathing heavy from her singing and fear. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Was... that good?" She asked. I smiled as I walked towards her, placing my hand on her cheek.

"My dear, your voice is perfection." I said. "Truly stunning."

"Thank you." She said.

"I want you to come with me." I said.




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