Chapter Five

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Celestina's POV

"Why?" I asked. "Why would you want me to go with you..."

"Because, my dear, I want to hear more from your voice." The Phantom stated. He grabbed my wrist. "You will join, of course." I shook my head.

"No..." I said, pulling my hand away. "Please..." He began to drag me away. In an instant, I started screaming at the top of my lungs.

"I thought it would be like this..." He whispered. In a flash, he took a rag from his coat and pressed it over my mouth and nose. I tried to scream, but when I inhaled, I instantly felt drowsy.

The room started to spin as I could feel myself lose consciousness. I continued to try to resist, but I was getting weaker. He pressed the fabric harder against my face, making me inhale it more.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head and my world went black as I could feel my body fall forward.

Erik's POV

Perhaps I was too harsh... well, it doesn't matter. My little bird was now unconscious, and soon to be trapped in her cage.

I easily lifted her dainty body, her being as light as a feather. I felt as if I could make one wrong move and she would shatter into pieces.

I went through the mirror and down to the catacombs. Placing her on the boat that waited, I rowed back to the main area.

Once I reached it, I placed her down on a bed, allowing to sleep through the drugs.

Celestina's POV

Dizziness. That was the first thing I felt as I opened my eyes. I sat up very slowly, trying to take in my surroundings.

I was laying on a bed in what looked like a fancy prison. I threw my feet to the other side of the bed and stood.

I walked along the small path, staring at the dark water that ran along the floor. I wonder how deep it is...

That's when I heard the sound of someone playing the organ. As I walked closer, I realized the organ was playing the song I'd written.

I found myself in the area where the organ was being played. I saw the figure playing it. The memories of last night flooded into my mind.

I couldn't help it when I began to sing along to the organ that was being played.

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice, I will remain

The Phantom turned when he heard my voice. I froze.

"S-sorry..." I stuttered. My face hardened. "Why have you brought me here?" The Opera Ghost stood up.

"Because, my sweet, you are mine." He said. My eyes widened slightly. "Your voice belongs to me. I insist that you be in the next performance at this opera house. We shall begin your lessons now." He played a scale. I still stared him down, refusing to sing.

"Come, child." He instructed. I reluctantly walked forward. "I want you to sing this for me." He handed me a sheet of music.

I stared at the music, realizing, once again, it was mine. The title was labeled "Slightly Chipped Moon." As he played the first note, I felt my entire body shiver.


The full moon slightly chipped
That's so me, so please
Save me and hold me tight
Just make me all right
Under the dark clouds
Wingless swans in my soul
From the fortress, a pessimist

Erik's POV

Her voice was noticeably shaking as she sang, but it gave an eerie effect to the song. Her writing skills were off the charts.

My howl in the night,
To the isolated star
Don't drive me crazy
Everything seems too far
The sky so deep
Spread endlessly

How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?

The full moon slightly chipped
Oh please
Save me and let me smile
Just make me all right
Over the bed of trees
My heart spins around

My howl in the dawn
To the isolated star
I dare to forgive you
Everything seems too far
But care for me tenderly

How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?

Once she finished, she stared at me. I walked up to her, placing a hand on her cheek. This made her flinch.

"Your voice is beautiful, my dear." I gave a small smile, which she returned.

Celestina's POV

I don't know how to describe it. His eyes were a hypnotic blue-green that glinted in the candle light, and that's when I felt my heart jolt.

I'd fallen for him.

My hand reached up and caressed his masked cheek. When my hand shifted, the mask fell.

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