Chapter Seven

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Celestina's POV

"Sì." I reply, looking down at my feet. I know he'd kidnapped me, but, for some odd reason, I was hypnotized by him. He was the one of the two people who recognized my talent, the other being Madame Giry.

"I would love for you to perform one of your songs, though." The Opera Ghost said. I looked up.

"You mean... in front of a crowd?" I asked.

"Of course." He replied. "Your voice is perfect for the stage."

"T-thank you..." My face went red as I internally swore at myself for stuttering. "But, Carlotta has always said not to steal her spotlight."

"My child, your voice outranks her greatly." The Phantom said, lightly placing his hand on my cheek. "I shall write a letter insisting you will perform."

I wanted to argue, but he knew my passion. He knew very well that I'd give anything to be on the stage.

"We must go." The Phantom said. "Carlotta has returned, and is searching for you."

Time Skip

I slowly inched out of the mirror, The Phantom holding the mirror open for me.

"Could I possibly visit you soon?" I asked. "For voice lessons?"

"But of course." The Opera Ghost smiled softly. "But, not tonight. You must prepare for the show." He handed me my music sheets. "Practice."

In a flash, he was gone. I quietly walked to the main area where Carlotta was. Along with her were the managers and Madame Giry. The second I walked in, my eardrums were nearly destroyed.

"WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN?" My sister screeched, the impact of her voice nearly flying me across the room.

"I..." I didn't know what to say. Should I tell the truth? But then the Opera Ghost's secret will be told. It would be revealed that he wasn't a myth. But what would sound convincing?

"I was..." Just then, a letter slowly fluttered down from no where, landing lightly in Monsieur Firmin's hands. He looked at the stamp, then up to where the letter had fallen. Slowly, he opened it.

"Dear Monsieur Firmin, Monsieur André, Madame Giry and Carlotta," The manager read aloud. "As the owner of this theatre, I'd like to make a request: include Carlotta's sister, Celestina, in the next performance, which is tonight. She will play the lead. The Opera Ghost. Also, keep box five empty."

Everyone turned their attention towards me. I stared back at them.

"What is the meaning of this?" Madame Giry's voice was sharp and stern, making me feel like a child being scolded.

"I'm not sure," I lied. I stood taller. "If you excuse me, I must go to my room. I have a performance to prepare for tonight." I stomped off, hearing my sister scream behind me.

But I didn't go to my room. I went to the stage to grab the sheets of music for the show. Once I grabbed them, almost ripping them due to my aggressive mood, I stalked back to my room.

As I did, I felt an hand grab my upper arm. I gave a small shriek and turned to see the stagehand, who was obviously intoxicated with alcohol.

"Where is a pretty lady like you going?" He asked. I tried to pull my arm away.

"I'm going to my room. Now unhand me." I pulled harder, but his grip tightened.

"Do you need someone to help you to your bedroom?" A grin spread across his face. My free hand came up and slapped him.

"Do not say such vulgar things. Now, as I said, UNHAND ME." I growled the last two words, gritting my teeth. I shoved him away, delivering a kick to his knee in the process and ran.

How on earth do I put up with these people? I asked myself. Finally, I reached my room. I threw the sheet music and my music onto the vanity. As I threw them, I noticed that there was a small bundle of makeup on the vanity.

Muttering to myself in Italian, I sat down, grabbed the makeup and began to apply it. I applied the pale powder, which turned my pale skin ghostly white.

My door swung open, making me jump. Standing in the doorway was Carlotta. 

"What have I told you about STEALING MY SPOTLIGHT?" When she yelled, I nearly jumped off of my chair.

"I didn't mean to..." I tried to speak, but Carlotta was suddenly right in front of me.

"I AM THE PRIMA DONNA!" She screeched. "I GET THE SPOTLIGHT! I just talked with the managers, and they said I'll be the star of tonight's show. So DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON MAKEUP!"

Her eyes slowly traveled to the stack of music on my vanity. Just as I was about to grab it, she snatched the papers and stared at them. She sifted through them, anger clearly displayed on her face. I closed my eyes, knowing I was about to get it.


"CARLOTTA!" I screamed. I followed her to her room.

To my horror, she began shredding the music, mine and the theatre's. I let out a small scream and covered my mouth, tears pouring out of my eyes.

Lastly, she crumpled up the remains and threw them into the roaring flame of fireplace in her room. I felt my heart drop.

"You... YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I yelled. I ran to my room and locked the door.

I didn't come out until Madame Giry told me the show was starting in a half hour and that I needed to get dressed.

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