Chapter Twelve

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It was the next day, and I sat in my room, shaking. The clock read 11:57, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he'd be here.

I sat with my head bent, my hands clasped between my knees as if I were praying. Well, I was praying. Praying that he wouldn't take his anger out on anyone for what I'd done yesterday. Praying that he wouldn't kidnap me forever.

As the clock chimes 12:00, I looked at the mirror. There was no familiar mask. Confused, I sat and waited.

Ten minutes passed and no sign of him. I stood up and walked out of my room to the stage.

It was peaceful. No one was rehearsing, and I was alone. I stood quietly in the center. My lips curled into a smile as I sang a single note. It delighted me to hear the sound bounce off the walls, echoing.

The eerie sound made me think back to yesterday, the way the Phantom has kissed me, the fear I felt, the broken look in his eyes as I ran away...

There was a song that I'd heard as a child that I didn't think much of, but as I thought of the lyrics, it made me think of him. Closing my eyes, I started singing.

Hey there little red riding hood
You sure are looking good
You're everything a big bad wolf could want

Little red riding hood
I don't think little big girls should
Go walking in these spooky old woods alone

Erik's POV

I sat at my organ, staring at my angel's music. I'd made several copies of her music sheets, and all I could to was admire her writing.

The disgust that she'd displayed after she kissed me made my heart crumble. I longed to kiss her lips again, but seeing her like that was completely heartbreaking. I wanted to hear her voice once more.

As if my prayers had been answered, Celestina's voice quietly rang throughout the catacombs. It was nearly silent, and I quickly turned, expecting to see her behind me, but alas, she was not.

The quietness of her voice made me realize where she was: the stage. In an instant, I swiftly transported myself to box five, where I sat for every performance.

I peer down to see my beautiful bird singing. I close my eyes as she shares her voice to the empty audience.

What big eyes you have
The kind of eyes that drive wolves mad
Just to see that you don't get chased
I think I oughta walk with you for a ways

What full lips you have
They're sure to lure someone bad
So until you get to Grandma's place
I think you oughta walk with me and be safe-

"Celestina?" My eyes open and I look to see Madame Giry walk across the stage.

My angel's face goes red in embarrassment as she stops singing. She looks so pure with the blush across her cheeks.

"I thought I heard a voice." I listen in on Madame Giry speaking. "I have rehearsal for tonight's show soon, so, I shall ask you to exit the stage."

"Sì." Celestina replies, her face still crimson. I watch as she quickly moves off stage.

As I watch her, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look to see Madame Giry staring right in my direction. She nods her head, up, down, center. I return the gesture and leave.

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