Chapter Fourteen

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Before we start with this chapter, I just wanted to quickly say that I made a casting change. Celestina is now being "played" by Sophie Turner. I'll try to edit the story a bit to adjust the appearance of the character. Let's get going!

The champagne that I'd drunk earlier almost made its reappearance as I looked at what caused the disruption of the party.

He stood at the top of the staircase, wearing a beautiful, but intimidating outfit. He wore a deep, wine red coat with tails, a white shirt, a wine red vest, and a pair of black dress pants and black dress shoes. A sword rested against his hip.

His usual mask had been replaced with one that was white with gold trimmings. It was in the same shape as his usual one, but more elegant.

Raoul grasped my upper arm

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Raoul grasped my upper arm. I stared at the Opera Ghost in awe. It felt like years since I'd last seen him.

"I've returned." I shuddered when he spoke. I'd heard that same deep, velvety voice in my nightmares.

Christine clutched my hand. I looked over at her. She was just as frightened as I was, if not more.

"I've came to claim what is mine." The room was silent without the Phantom's voice. "My faithful student. She's been well taught, but sadly, not acknowledged."

Christine stepped forward, as if she were shielding me. Raoul joined her.

"Go." Raoul whispered. "Please. We'll take care of this." I shrunk away behind them, slowly walking away.

"Ah, Christine." The Phantom' spoke once more. "Yes, you are admirable, but not who I desire." I glanced to see his eyes travel around the room. I adjusted my mask and picked up the pace.

"There she is." His voice made me freeze. I felt everyone turn to look at me, but I refused to face them or Him. "My beautiful angel."

My brain was yelling at me to move, but I stood frozen. My mind raced as I realized that I'd been spotted.

I slowly turned and looked up at him. The uncovered portion of his face twisted into a sadistic grin.

"There's that beautiful face." He said. "Come to me, my angel. Show everyone here which person has been hiding her talent for so many years. If you don't, this party will end in bloodshed."

He pulled the sword from the sheath on his hip, pointing it at my sister, who stood before him, with a pale look of shock on her face.

I pulled myself from Christine and Raoul's grasp, and, with tears of embarrassment and fear, I stepped forward. Everyone turned when they saw the crowd shift to let me through, eyes digging into the back of my head.

As I slowly went up the staircase, I caught my sister's eye. For once in her life, she looked concerned about me.

The Phantom's smile grew wider as I approached him. I stared at my feet, standing beside him.

"This beauty... is a true star." The Phantom announced. His hand slid under the mask I wore and gently took it off. He dipped his head to my ear.

"Show these people who you are." When he whispered, his hot breath hit the shell of my ear, making me jump. The mask came off, and I lifted my hesitantly face.

Everyone stared at me. Right. At. Me. I was never used to being the center of attention, and now that I was, it was hard for me to understand how my sister or Christine could come out and sing in front of a crowd three times this size. I wasn't even speaking, and my heart was pumping at an astonishing rate.

My eyes looked around the room at all of the masked faces. They all gazed back, taking in who I was. Raoul. Christine. Meg. Madame Giry. Monsieur André. Monsieur Firmin. Carlotta. Piangi. These faces blurred as tears of embarrassment pricked my eyes.

I looked over at the Opera Ghost, who's eyes met mine. My face felt warm as hot tears rolled down my face.

"You all rave and go on about Carlotta," The Phantom announced.  "Yet, it is her younger sister who has true talent. Carlotta has none. Flouncing around on stage and screeching like a banshee isn't talent. This dear angel has the most beautiful voice I've ever heard."

I looked over at my sister, who was so intoxicated and shocked that she couldn't say a thing.

"Before I leave, I have one simple request." The Opera Ghost gazed around the hall, intimidating everyone. "Have my dear Celestina featured in this upcoming show." He tosses a book to the ground. I recognized the words among the pages, and realized that it was my music.

"If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur." He roared the last part, making me jump.

In a flash, I was being squashed against the Phantom's chest, an arm around my waist.

"Now that I've finished my simple request, I shall leave with what is mine." Everything next happened so fast.

There was a puff of smoke, people screaming, and the sounds of swords being unsheathed. I was being dragged and thrown this way and that like a rag doll. I closed my eyes as I had no choice but to run with the person I was being taken with.

Why So Silent? (POTO Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें