Chapter three

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I stood in fear as the hooded man approached me, clearly annoyed. My bare legs shook and my hands grew sweaty, as I clung to the rim of my thin hospital gown. He pushed me hard to the tile floor with my stomach pressed to the ground.
He crouched down to me, as I turned my face away from him with fear. He slammed his gun on the floor, making me jump, and turned my face back towards him. He had a white hood on, covering his face, soaked in blood. Some new, some old; I just hope it's not Marcus's or Jason's.

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm not in the mood to play any fuckin' games. Be a good little girl," the man growled deeply. I nodded quickly as he grabbed my hair roughly, causing me to cry out. He slammed my face into the ground and lifted me up. He then roughly wiped the drool off of my bottom lip.

"Do you know a fucker named Jason? Jason Coleman?" He asks. I nodded quickly as he let go of my hair.

"Y-yes...," I stammered out. He paced around the room and eyed the pink note that I put back. He took it, read it, then ripped it. I'm dead, I thought, I'm so fucking dead right now.

"Of course you do," He whispered harshly, grabbing the vase of flowers and smashing it on the floor. As his back faced me, I immediately got up and ran out the door, obviously being loud as hell. I tripped over a nurse's dead body and fell to the ground. I waited for a second for him to come running after me, but he didn't. I got up and ran down the corridor with dead patients and workers, flickering lights, and faint gunshots. Guess they already killed off this wing of the hospital.
I sprinted around the corner where I was met with a gun to my head. I glued my eyes shut as I stood there with the cold, metal barrel threatening to end my life. Involuntary tears streamed down my face and my bottom lip quivered, is this is how I die?

"She's Jason's, right?" A deep, male voice inquired to another. I opened my eyes hesitantly.

"Obviously, dumbass, look at her. Just as he described," another chuckled. My eyes widened.

"Is he...okay?" I asked in a hushed voice, trying to act like I'm not about to piss myself.  I took note of their appearances. The guy holding the gun is tall, lanky with shaggy brown hair with goggles and a mask. The other is shorter than him but still towers over me. He has a dark blue painter jacket with a mask with a smile on it. Dumbass outfits, but will still be haunting my memories for years to come.

"So she talks," one of them laughs still holding the gun to my head, "Jason's...alive."
The guy lowered his gun and stared behind me, smirking.

"Should we kill her?" The tall man with the brown hair suggested.

"We can't just kill off a necessity, meaning Jason won't cooperate if she's dead, Toby. You and...Helen...need to go and get the car, wait in the back lot. I'll 'take care' of the girl," The hooded man laughed.
Helen then flipped off the hooded man and walked off with the other man.

Beads of cold sweat formed on my neck as I felt his presence close behind me. His cold hands tightly gripped my shoulders as he leaned into my ear. As I felt his disgusting, stale breath against my skin, but somehow I thought of Jason.
"Just a simple reminder that I'm not putting up with any of your shit. You're only staying alive temporarily since your bitchy boyfriend won't cooperate with us if you're dead...don't take that for granted, though," Jeff harshly whispered, "I'll shove my knife through your windpipe and staple your tongue to the roof of your mouth."

I felt a gun against my back as he pushed me forward.
"Just keep on walking forward until I tell you otherwise," the hooded man ordered. I did as told and walked down the eerie corridor. A loud yell emerged from somewhere close in the hospital, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Recognize the voice?" The hooded man chuckled humorously. My hands started shaking and my heart skipped multiple beats.

"Is it...," I croaked out, "Marcus?"

"Could be."

He nudged the cold gun against my back, making me resume to walking again.
"Where...," I started to say, but he already knew what I was going to ask.

"You'll see," the hooded man says. We approached a metal door. The hooded man knocked twice on the door and after a few seconds, it opened to reveal Jason. The hooded man put the gun to my head, clearly angering him.

"I'm not going through with it, so just let her go," Jason snaps. The hooded man snickered.

"She'd look great skinned, Jason, maybe I'll even frame it," the hooded man slyly remarked. My eyes widened and looked at Jason with fear. The hooded man pushed me into the room with him following closely behind. My eyes locked with Marcus who was unconscious in a corner.

"You know me, Jeff, I just can't do it anymore...leaving everything I worked hard for? What I did back then was years ago, you're acting like a child," Jason says. Jeff approached Jason and punched his jaw hard.

"Bullshit," Jeff glares kicking him in the side, "this isn't about 'going through with it', this is about finishing it because they're back."
Jason stood up weakly.

"What do you mean they're back? We...," Jason trailed off, "Well...regardless. I'm not going through with it, it's sinister."

"You're going to or else your family is going to die, you saw what happened last time, that was pure luck they didn't come for you," Jeff seriously says but then chuckles, "I know family doesn't mean much to you since a hookup with a 18 year old is more important. She'll die too."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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