Chapter two

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I fluttered my eyes open and squinted at the heart monitor in annoyance. I slowly sat up and felt a sharp pain in my lower back and my stomach—which I think is just from hunger.
I swung my bare legs over the bed and felt the friction between the ice cold floor and my feet happen immediately. I then stretched and saw a porcelain, white vase of red roses with a pink note next to it. A warm smile crept up to my chapped lips and I gingerly picked up the folded note with care. I opened it and read out loud, "Take care, Y/N - Jason."

As much as I want to crumple the note up and burn it, I love it despite how simple it is. I can't hate him forever...and what had happened was the decision both of us made together and he was there for me every step of the way. I truly do love him...I can't deny it.
"Oh, you're up?" A voice suddenly asked me. I spun around and hid the note behind my back but immediately froze when I realized it was my brother. He looks awful, not to be rude, due to his sickly pale complexion and his fragile body movements. I ran into his arms and held back hot tears. I stood on my tippy toes to reach him.

"I-I...I'm sorry," I whispered to him, hugging him tighter. My eyes drifted to his hands where his knuckles were bloody and slightly bruised. I let go of him and stared at his hands.

"Wha—what the hell did you do?" I asked angrily. Marcus looked at me deep in the eyes and shook his head.

"He was here, you think I'd let him get close to you at all? After he...," Marcus says. I remembered what I told him...Like you'd care if he did! Just because you're my twin doesn't mean I have to tell you every single fucking thing going on in my life! It wasn't like that, though.

"That was a huge misunderstanding, he didn't touch me like that. I was just...," I mumbled to him, " he okay?"

"Other than the possibly broken nose, I'm fine," a sudden voice chuckled. My heart skipped some beats as we made eye connection. I looked at his bulky bandage on his nose and hid a small laugh. I felt shivers creep up my spine to my heated cheeks before I looked down.

"I hope to see you soon after winter break; you're a...good student, make sure to complete the human emotion packet over break," Jason says giving me a warm smile. I nodded stiffly and Jason and I awkwardly looked at my brother. He scoffed and glanced at me before glaring at Jason.

"Like I'd leave her alone with you," Marcus says. Jason rocked on his feet and sighed uncomfortably before waving bye to me.

"Nice to meet you, Marcus," Jason says as he walked out and shut the door. I pushed Marcus's shoulder back and grimaced.

"The very least you could do is be nice," I scoffed.

"Nice? He's a fucking creep...he followed us," Marcus says. I stared at him and crinkled my nose in confusion.

"Oh, nobody told you?" Marcus laughs sarcastically, "how do you think we got here? I'm filing a restraining order on your behalf."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"When do we leave?" I asked, changing the subject. Marcus shrugged.

"Your condition is worse than I am. Internal bleeding, fractured shoulder, and whiplash...they said that if I didn't keep my arm around you then you would've died, but I don't even remember doing that," Marcus comments, "Anyway, you're going to be here longer than I will."

"'d they know you had an arm around me?" I asked curiously. Marcus stands closer to me and pulls down my sleeve to reveal a huge black and blue bruise. He pressed his forehead against mine, feeling his steady breaths. He then covers my shoulder back up and kissed my head before walking out.
I sighed as I looked out the window, bored out of my mind. As I went to go back to bed, the door swung open to reveal a man.

I stared at him. He stared at me. I then heard continuous gunshots and screaming.

"Get on your fucking knees."

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