A Creative Title

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Since I can't seem to post the picture, here we go...


1. You have to post the rules

2. You can't tag the person who tagged you

3. You can't refuse

4. You have one week to do this

5. You have to post this in a book, not in the comments or on someone's wall

6. List 13 things about yourself

7. Have a creative title

(Fancy asterisk bullet points, just because)

*I'm Chinese, and in case any of you were wondering, I'm a girl

*I also happen to go to school in the UK

*I'm pretty short irl

*I'm a cover artist on youtube, mainly fandom stuff though, and mostly in Japanese. I'm also in a ton of collabs and groups on there too, again mostly fandom stuff, jpop and idol anime.

*I'm bilingual

*I have a cat and five kittens (who just opened their eyes a few days ago- the kittens, not the cat)

*I'm really socially awkward and paranoid in general

*My favourite colour changes about five times a week, but it's usually some shade of blue-ish purple, turquoise or silver.

*I have an archive of our own account, but only love live and some bandori

*I'm rubbish at catching things

*I'm somewhere between the ages of ten and eighteen

*I still don't know how I have so many followers

*I'm very bad at listing things about myself because most of them are boring

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