Ok so I'm starting to think

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Ok so this is a fairly weird rant.


prepared? Ok. So basically a while ago (and by that I mean around may-august 2016), while I was on Kate's Blog's wikia I met a person whose username was SlyFox (us users called him foxo). We were chatting for a while and then he was talking about how his life sucked and yeah.... He kept saying he was going to leave etc and, well, we became friends and back then I was a stupid little emotional drama queen who took things too seriously and got really sad. Over october half term we talked again and that was the last time, I think, we talked before he was banned.

But, Strem, what were you trying to say by telling us this?

That's what I'm getting to. Thing is, he kept talking about being abused and such, and being the stupid little emotional girl I was I believed every word of it and kept reassuring him etc in pm and I didn't realise that a, actual people who are like that don't talk about it (most of the time) and b, how the heck is he using a computer/phone/tablet to access wikia? Also he told me that he was really good at this online game which he can't really be champion for if everything he said was true.

And he was banned later on. I thought it was because he used to make various accounts and play pranks on users, but it's been three months now and I'm actually starting to think I was... well... manipulated.  (also known as online grooming).

Yes I know it sounds stupid but being the stupid little girl I am I assume things like this. But mosty likely it was because he pulled wayyyyyyyyyyy too many pranks on people.

Also another weird thing- he never mentions anything about warriors, which is why the blog was made and how he probably would've found it.

Yeah I'm definitely stupid.

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