Chapter Three: Dawn the creeper.

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“Girl in the bush! Girl in the bush!” the audience chants.

I can’t freaking believe Ophelia did that. She turned into a bush, I mean her dress turned into a bush. Now it is my turn for the interview and I am going to show her what a real stalker is.

I gracefully walk towards the stage, brushing my shoulder with the bitch as she smirks at me and steps down. I throw a big smile towards Prima, which might have been slightly psychotic as she squirms in her seat. I walk over to the seat, tucking my black dress underneath me. Prima stands up to announce my arrival.

Wait isn’t that a cue for me to stand up as well. I stand up as Prima says, “…Dawn!” Talk about perfect timing. Yeah, Ophelia is just a novice when it comes to showbiz. The audience applauds, and I swear it is louder than when Bumps came. I bow and then Prima guides me back to the seat.

“So Dawn what inspired you to participate in the first ever Stalker games? ”

“My friends, they are always going on about how creepy my stalking skills are, so my best friend told me about it an encouraged me to participate. She was ecstatic about how I will focus my stalking skills on the game instead of her. ”

The audience laughs out loud with Prima. I catch Bumps giving me the stink eye. Hell yeah, I am hilarious.

“So is there any particular stalking experience you recollect?”

“Well, there was this one time, when I was sitting in the dustbin outside my best-friend’s house. We had a fight over how she was spending more time with her other friends. And she was like they are my best-friends and you are not. Ah! Poor girl just doesn’t know what is good for her. She came to check for me through her window, you see she does care about me, though later she tried to hide the fact by saying that she just didn’t want me loitering around her house. Girl loves that. ”

I see Ophelia fake-yawn.  After glaring at her, I continue.

“So her boyfriend jumped out of her window, and that is when I realized she wanted me to do this, to stalk her boyfriend. A surprise mission, I followed him all the way to his house, climbed on the tree with a grappling hook created on-spot.” I give Ophelia the look as she scowls at me.

“Well then I recorded him sleeping with my phone’s camera, I took blue worn-out boxer shorts, a sticky playboy magazine and some other stuff for further examination. I snapped pictures of his room and backed-up his phone’s contacts and messages on my only-for-stalking-phone. Then I jumped out of the window Bond style, padding my fall using the shorts as a make-shift parachute. That was the much exhausting adventure for the day.” I end my story with a smile towards our host.

 Prima glances down and then yelps out, “My heels, I swear my shoes were lying right here a moment ago.”

I smirk and pull them from beneath my seat. As I hand them over to Prima, the surprised audience bursts out, “Dawn the creeper! Dawn the creeper!” I bow for the audience and wink at Bumps as she seethes at me.

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