Chapter Two : Girl in the bush.

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Rule one of Stalker Games:

Never talk about the Stalker Games.

Nah, I’m just playin’. Actually, everyone talks about the Stalker Games. It’s the event of the season, and I got chosen. Now, there aren’t many rules, to the game… I mean, the usual “Don’t stalk your competitor” and “Don’t kill anyone” and “Wait 20 minutes before swimming after you eat”, but no one follows the rules. We have an interview today, and then we get to show off our skills. Prove why we were chosen. It’s pretty much for show, because someone made an anonymous tip that the choosing might be rigged.

Okay. So maybe that someone was me, but I was just so frustrated with me being such a great stalker.  I hadn’t been chosen then but now it doesn‘t matter. Prima speaks, her melodic voice echoing through the sound system,

“Why do you want to participate in the Stalker Games, and what makes you think you are worthy?”

“That’s easy. My mother believes that I can win the first ever Stalker Games, and I want to live up to her expectations of me. She got a restraining order for stalking my father, I stand here as a proof that she had awesome stalking skills. It's in the genes baby.”

“When did you start stalking, and tell me about your favorite stalking experience?”

 “Oh.. Well, my mom wanted someone to follow in her footsteps, so she trained me. I mean, I lost many hours of precious sleep, standing and watching people. My eyes bled and my feet had bags under them. It all paid off, though, when I was eight. My mom’s favorite celebrity came into town. I can’t say his name; it’s in the restraining order. Anyway, my mom wanted to stalk him, so we staked out his hotel. It was my job to get pictures. She was going to get up close.

Well, she got caught. I watched at a distance as what’s-his-name called the police, and he put a restraining order on my mom, and she couldn’t breathe a word of him or the incident without breaking the law. He-Who-Cannot-Be-Named went to bed, but the police was still there. My chance had come! I climbed into a luggage bag - I was small enough at the time- and I got carried into the hotel.

Peaking out of the zipper, I waited until I was alone. I weebled and wobbled the bag to said celebrity’s room, and knocked. A security guard answered the door. I prayed that he wouldn’t open the bag, and my prayers were answered when he pulled me inside and left me by the door. Soon, I could hear the guards’ loud snoring, so I slowly unzipped that luggage bag and crawled out. I did a barrel roll across the floor, hiding behind the couch. I army crawled the rest of the way to the famous guy’s bedroom.

Once inside, I tip-toed to his bed, keeping to the shadows. I saw him laying there, and I slowly took out my knife… raised it above his head… and sliced.. A piece of his hair off. I rummaged around his room, taking things at a whim. I then used my grappling hook to careen myself out the window with a lock of his hair, his wallet, a stinky sock, used toilet paper, a phone number from a slutty barmaid named Candi, and some toenail clippings, but not before I drew a mustache on his pretty little face.”

Prima has got to be impressed now! I know I am going to win her over with my finesse and adorable way of thinking outside the box as I charm her senseless. Beat that story Percy! “Hmm.. Interesting. Now, tell me, what are some of your skills?” I wink at her and wiggle my eyebrows, because wiggling eyebrows express so much emotion. And winking is sexy. “I think it’s best I just show you.” 

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