Zander raises his eyebrows at the two of us trying to fake a serious appalled look. However he fails miserably when his look slowly turns into a grin. It was only a short while lately that the three of us returned to talking about class. I way thrilled having Mia and Zander in this class, it would surely be interesting.

Once our teacher marked off the class roll, he instructs us all to run a lap of the oval. It was followed by a mixture of groans and cheers. Zander took off racing some of his other friends when Mia and I stayed at a jog. Like as if I had enough endurance to sprint a lap. Maybe with all these gym and P.E Extension classes I'll become fit?


Lunch breaks are always the perfect times to observe the schools hierarchy. Seeing where everyone sat always fascinated me. Except at this school there wasn't the typical cliches. The obvious 'populars' are still there but everything else was different. Athletes mixed with band members, the self proclaimed 'nerds' sat with our very own cheerleaders and so on. It gave me reassurance that it doesn't matter if I'm a horse rider, I can mingle with who ever I liked.

I spotted Sabrina immediately, she was seated in a certain area of the cafeteria surrounded by what looked like both juniors and seniors. It surprised me to hear that so many people at EFA admire and look up to her. She had celebrity status from what I've heard, making me feel even more shocked she would take the time out of her day to hang out with a grade 9 student.

At the same time I wasn't so surprised, she was the nicest person ever and her friends seemed so relaxed. Her bestie Cora even introduced herself yesterday and said hi to me this morning. Kit and Mia looked as though they were almost about to die of shock.

Over in another side of the cafeteria I spotted Stephanie and those three girls. Ashlyn, Lianne and Grace, the main 'populars' in grade 10. I eyed Ashlyn suspicious, she seemed like trouble and it almost disappoints me that Stephanie is friends with them. My eyes then catch sight of my group, all of them were seated. I quickly grab some food and make my way over to them so I could steal only one vacant seat left.

Ebony looks at me with a flat expression, probably trying to hide the annoyance she's been aiming at Mia and I all day. I greet everyone and eat my food quietly, taking everything in. My first riding lesson at EFA was after school and I was super excited.

(Was going to end the chapter here but thought that would just make this superrrrr boring)

Miss Sanders marches into the arena right on the dot at 5pm. Storm and I had already been here for about 15 minutes. I follow the others and line up at with the other. The team consisted of Scarlett, Mia, Seth, Ebony and myself. We only had 4 spots on the advanced team and by the looks of it, I won't have an easy time getting a spot. There however is a chance that no one from our team won't be chosen as EFA is very picky, they don't settle for anything less. If they think our whole group is not good enough to be trialling for an advanced team spot then we won't be on the advanced team. You never know what will happen.

"Ladies and gents, I'm sure you've already met the newest members of our team, Taylor and her horse Storm" Miss Sanders introduces, I glance away slightly embarrassed. Sabrina warned me that she would do that but I didn't think she was serious. Good thing I know these people already. Kind of...

"Now for starters, I'm sure your all wondering about this terms team placements so I'll start off by discussing that" big smiles grew on everyone's faces after she said that.

"I'm sure you all know that the advanced team has 4 positions, followed up by some reserves who will also be in our class-" Miss Sanders then pauses as Ebony raises her hand.

"Shouldn't it be given to the original intermediate A team members by default" Ebony says, I knew she was targeting me with that remark. Mia who was to my left rolled her eyes when Miss Sanders wasn't looking.

"Out of all people Ebony, you should know these rules best" Miss Sanders starts sounding disappointed. Did she pick up on the indirect insult? And why would she know best, I'll have to ask Mia later who's now smirking from the teachers remark.

"The simple answer to that question is no. New members in this team as well as other intermediate riders may surpass your skill level at any time this year. Therefore everyone can trial for the advanced team as long as they're in year 9 and meet the criteria-" Ebony's face falls and a scowl appears.

"-Our group should have the advantage due to you all being the more skilled riders in your year level. However it is a possibility that other riders may get chosen over you depending on everyone's performances this term. Behaviour and grades will also be taken into account. As you all know, to stay in any of our teams at EFA you can only get a maximum of three C's" Miss Sanders explains pacing up and down our line.

"If you're on your third C and are having behavioural problems then you will be put as a reserve and not allowed to tryout for a new team until the next term" she finishes.

"It should also be noted that the elite team trials are in the first term of year 10, 11 and 12, held after advanced team placements. Then every term after that private trials will be held for those who us coaches think are capable-"

"-This is so if there's new students they can also have a chance in getting into the elite team. Even then the elite team will only consist of 3 riders and 2 reserves maximum" Miss Sanders stops and eyes us all.

"Remember, if there's an open spot, it's not guaranteed anyone will get it. There's only one elite team member in grade 11 at this point in time" she stresses before starting to pace again.

"If you do get on the advanced or elite team you will have a new coach, Mr Reynolds-" she pauses and looks at the time.

"There will be a meeting held for those interested but that's enough talk from me. Now everyone, cross your stirrups please" she commands.

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