Bring Abby to London.

Start from the beginning

Bryian was me and he had the looks in his eyes "what wrong Claude?" Worry in voice.

"Nothing, I have too much things in my head but I am fine." I said.

"Ok Claude, see you in the morning and also don't go into a deep sleep now. Abby is here and it your night to watch here ok" Bryian said.

"Yea I know, just relax I got this." I said.

He nod and left the room, I sighed and lay down and saw Abby was right next to me. "Oh Abby, you don't how much we all love you" I smile and pick her up and snuggle with her until she fell to sleep in my arms.

"She went to sleep that fast?" Lizzie said.

"I guess so, but at least she is alseep and not fighting with us just to go to bed" I said while putting her in the crib.

"But it ok leaving here with Abby? It feel wrong to do this Claude" Lizzie said

"I know I still can't believe we have go to London with Abby without her parents" I walk back to my bed.

"I hope that Sebastian don't go all crazy when Abby is not with him because I know that he already Missed Ciel." Lizzie said.

"Yea I hope that too, my lady" I sighed and lay down and closing my eyes just a little bit.

"If she switched body with Ciel, that means Ciel is in her body and in the house somewhere hiding because she don't want anyone find out" Lizzie said.

Maybe if that happens Sebastian mite found him hours ago because you know Ciel is not good keeping quiet in a small space even if someone put in there" I said.

"Yea that true, and also Ciel is easy to get kiddnap and Sebastian easy know where he went or going" Lizzie said.

'yea part of it is from the contract that Ciel and Edward had'

"Yea" I said trying not say anything else about about them because they will kill me if I told Lizzie that Sebastian is Edward and he demon just like me and Bryian is also a demon as well.

"Well I have to go to sleep for tomorrow, see you then" Lizzie said and went to bed.

The next day

It was the next day and I wanted to sleep all day. 'how they stand being awake all day and night with her'

"It time to wake up Claude" Lizzie said all dress up and hold Abby in her arm.

"Ok just give me a sec to get ready" said got up and got ready.

"This is the first time I got up before you did" she tease.

"Yea, I was watching duty and she a hand full. This is why I don't really want to have kids." I said

"Yea but these first few months they are teething and they wake up in the middle of the night because of their teeth growing out of her gums" she said.

"How you know all about this?" I said in shock because she knows everything about babies, but never had kids of her own.

"Well.. my mother and the home school teacher, teach me that even tho I hate it. My mother always say 'you will use and need these thing when you are older.' at first she was crazy but now I understand why." Lizzie said.

"Oh" that I could have say about that.

"But we having to get going before we miss the early boat back to London" she said while walking back to the door.

I nod and we went out the door to catch the boat, when we got they I was Edward and by himself.

"Hey Sebastian" Lizzie said

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