Chapter 8: Battle Between Allies

Start from the beginning

"I'm not a fucking murderer, double D's. These grunts aren't worth killing." I said with disgust and kicked the last White Fang member out cold. They weren't going to talk, so I didn't bother wasting anymore time. However, I know there was one person that I could convince to squeal. I turned around and saw Roman limping into another ship. My hand formed a lightning bolt, and I struck the man in the back.

Roman:"Fuck!!!" He cried out in agony before collapsing right at the entrance ramp. I strolled over and unsheathed Deathwish. My sword glowed in reaction to my current emotion. Anger. I was tired of always getting nowhere with finding Adam. If Roman wasn't going to talk, I will decapitate him on the spot.

"Alright, eyelashes. Answer my questions, and you may leave with all your limbs." I stated and stabbed the sword beside his face. Roman flinched before frowning at me.

Roman:"I'm not a snitch." He retorted. I nodded and brought up my sword.

"Good answer." I told him before bringing down the blade into his right leg. His scream rang throughout the docks. I removed my blade, and there was his blood slathered on the steel. Before I could ask him again, I heard a gunshot. Broken activated at last second before the bullet could hit me.

Ruby:"Stop!" I heard Ruby cry out. The entire Team RWBY, Sun, and Penny are stood ready for combat. Their target wasn't the White Fang or Roman. I was their enemy.

Weiss:"This isn't the right way, (Y/n)." She stated with narrowed eyes. I glared at the teenagers.

"Really? So you think that those cops from earlier can hold this piece of shit. Besides, I need answers." I replied in annoyance and returned my attention to Roman. My face was met with a fist, and I stumbled back.

Roman:"See ya later, you bastard!" I heard Roman mock. My hand covered my bloody nose, and I turned to see Roman limp over to another airship. An angry growl escaped my gritted teeth, and I formed my pistol. However, Ruby knocked me aside, as she tried to catch Roman. Again, her arrogance was going to be the death of her. Either by me, or the LMG that was hooked up to the airship.

Yang:"Ruby, wait!" She cried out in terror for her sister. The machine gun began shooting, and Ruby yelped. However, only the sound of bullets bouncing off of metal could be heard. I stood over Ruby with Remnant Steel activated. My armor protected the two of us from the certain death. Ruby looked up at me in shock, while I glared at her from behind my helmet.

Roman:"¡Hasta la vista, bitches!" He said and laughed loudly. I looked up to see the airship fly away with the crippled crime lord. My armor deactivated, and my fist clenched tightly.

Ruby:"Umm. (Y/n)?" She called out to me nervously. I slowly turned my head and glared at the little huntress in training. She looked at me guiltily.

"What?" I asked in a strained voice. Ruby tapped her fingers nervously before speaking.

(Ruby POV):

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for-"

(Y/n):"You know what, Ruby? I forgive you." He cut me off. My eyes widened in shock.

"Really?!" I asked with surprise and hope. (Y/n) leaned near my face before speaking.

(Y/n):"Fuck no!!!" He hollered into my face. I shut my eyes in fear. (Y/n) began cursing and pacing around. He kept repeating that this was his one chance to find some Adam guy and kill him. However, we ruined it, and now he was still nowhere.

Yang:"Calm down. I'm sure that we can-"

(Y/n):"You calm down, hot head!" He snapped. Yang began to glow with fire. I panicked and ran in between the two.

I Mean Disrespect : ( RWBY ) Harem x A**hole Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now