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chapter two.

"hi, i'm kim taehyung

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"hi, i'm kim taehyung. are you my classmate for today's art class?"

an awkward silence filled the empty, quiet room. jeongguk opened his mouth as he tried to answer the older but he couldn't come up with it. he still couldn't believe that kim taehyung, one of the intelligent and hot guys in the school, was standing infront of the empty room, looking at him with his innocent, chocolate brown eyes.

jeongguk stared at the older, memorizing every little detail of his face and body. for him, taehyung was probably the prettiest human he'd ever seen in his entire life. those eyes filled with curiosity and grace, and his nose that is so perfect and those sinful lips that he wants to kiss and taste so badly.

God, you really did took your time making this beautiful human being.

"u–uhm, hello, mister?" taehyung said and let out an awkward chuckle, getting uncomfortable from jeongguk's hard gaze.

jeongguk snapped out of his own world as he suddenly stood up and slightly bowed his head to the older, causing taehyung to startle a little from the sudden action of the younger. "i'm sorry, taehyung sunbaenim."

taehyung shakes his head quickly as he smiled a little to the younger. "no, it's okay."

jeongguk almost collapsed once he saw taehyung's addicting smile. he never knew he will experience this blessing for his entire life. he mentally thanked all the gods for being good with him and also thanked his classmates for not being interested about their art subject. he couldn't ask for more.

"so, you like art?" taehyung asked, a small smile plastered on his face as he slowly walked forward to the seat beside jeongguk.

oh my god, he's going to sit beside me! oh my god, jeoncock please don't get hard.

jeongguk was hyperventilating now. he gulped his saliva down as he tried to calm down. he's getting all sweaty even though the aircon is on in their room. he never thought he'll experience this shit that he only read on fanfictions where your crush will sit beside you.

(i never experienced this shit i mean i dont have any crush so :')

"u–uh, yes." jeongguk nervously said and looked away. he noticed he've been holding back his breath for a whole damn minute and decided to let it, trying to ease his nervousness.

taehyung saw it and found it cute as he bit his lip to stop himself from smiling. he mentally shaked his head and sat beside him, observing the room's surroundings.

"so, what's your name?" taehyung asked.

"j–jeon jeongguk." jeongguk closed his tightly and wanted to bang his head to his desk from stuttering infront of his crush, cause boy, was that embarassing.

"wait, jeongguk? i heard about you from my music teacher. so you're also a great singer, huh?" taehyung looked at him with an amazement in his eyes as he licked his dry lips, waiting for the younger's answer.

jeongguk saw him doing that and cursed at himself for having a boner in such a bad time. he mentally groaned as he blame taehyung for making his pants tighten without even doing that much.

he shaked away his unholy thoughts and smiled at the older as he tried to cover his bulge using his bag on his lap.

"no, not really, sunbaenim. i don't really sing that much but you know, for my grades, i just need to. but i enjoy it though. it's fun." jeongguk said and gave the older a small smile.

taehyung also smiled back to him, and the younger just wanted to shout his gay feelings outside of the window cause bitch, taehyung just smiled at him i mean one of his wet dreams finally came true.

"well, maybe we can hang o—" before taehyung was about to ask jeongguk to hang out later, their art teacher, mrs. shin, opened the door and greeted them.

"good morning, you... two? wait, jeongguk?" jeongguk stood up from his seat and bowed at his teacher.

"you're the only two who were interested in my subject? and your other classmates are not interested?" mrs. shin asked.

the two guys looked at each other and taehyung only raised his two eyebrows. jeongguk had a bad feeling about this, but he stared at taehyung and thought about their future together.

"well, i guess so, ma'am. why, is there something wrong? my classmates asked the principal if they've got to choose the activities they like and mrs. park said yes." jeongguk explained, confusion was written on his face.

mrs. shin let out a deep sigh, massaging her temples as she realized there's no way to get out of this problem. she both looked at the two boys and pointed them, earning a curious glance from them.

"the two of you will be partners, and you have to do a beautiful painting that represents the beauty of our university for our upcoming 30th anniversary that will be held next month. don't mess it up, boys. you already have my trust."

but before taehyung and jeongguk could even ask a question to the teacher, she already stormed out of the room, leaving a two confused guys inside.

"well, i guess we have to do this shit together." jeongguk said, his eyes were still locked on the broken door, still couldn't believe from the sudden order they'd just received.

"fortunately." taehyung murmured but the younger still heard it, causing jeongguk's eyes to open wide as he stared at the older, suddenly not trusting his sense of hearing.

taehyung cleared his throat and stood up, giving jeongguk a small smile as he grab his bag and started to walk away but then he stopped on his tracks and turned to the younger.

"well, i'll see you again. oh by the way, that looks kinda painful. if you need any help me, just tell me." taehyung winked at jeongguk and exited the room.

still processing of what the older was talking about, jeongguk looked at his crotch, causing his eyes to widened as he felt his cheeks burning up from embarassment.

fuck, he found out i got a boner.

but atleast he didn't know he's the reason behind it.


cupcakes! i miss you all! sorry for updating so late but here's a shitty chapter!

i have a question to you guys, what's the most memorable experience that ever happened to you with your crush?

mine is i sent him a wrong message on purpose and he answered back! well, it was quite memorable for me but yeah, i'm such an attention seeker i just wanted him to notice me huhu.

okay im done here! hehe, thank you guys! i love you all.

ps: sorry for my grammatical errors in advance.

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