5.2K 111 19

*Chat between Ally Dinah and Camila*

DJ - heyyy

Mila - hola

Allycat - hi yall!

DJ - milaaaa

Mila - whattt


Mila - ok?

Mila - right now?


Mila - uhhh

Mila - what about?


Allycat - love

Mila - love? alright

DJ - well mila, do u like anyone right now?

Mila - idk

DJ - pretend u like someone, imagine what u would write about them

Mila - ok I got it

Allycat - AWESOME! tell us when u r done!

Mila - ok thanks for the idea!




Mani - the song writing idea?

Allycat - yup

DJ - she doesnt know if she likes anyone :/

Mani - what?

Allycat - dinah asked - well do you like anyone right now?

DJ - and mila said - idk

Mani - alright then...

Mani - maybe she is questioning whether she likes lauren or not?

DJ - there is one thing for sure

Mani - what?

Allycat - what

DJ - she is probably questioning her sexuality


*chat between Normani and Lauren*

Mani - lauren!

Laur - wat

Mani - camila wrote a song!

Laur - wow she has?

Laur - i knew she writes songs

Mani - it is like a love song or something?

Mani - ask dinah

Laur - ok?


Laur - hi dinah


Laur - hi?

Laur - normani said something about camila writing a song?

DJ - omg yes!

DJ - camila is writing a love song cause she probably likes someone or somethin idk 

Laur - she likes someone?

DJ - yup

Laur - ok

DJ - ok?

Laur - yeah

Laur - ok

A/N - I FORGOT 2 MENTION THIS IN THE PAST CHAPTERS! Basically it was about chapter 15 where I was going to say something like omg 1.2k reads thanks soooo much! But I forot, cause I forget a lot. Then in chapter 16, i was going to write about how i got 1.7k reads (WHICH IS INSANE CAUSE 1.2 TO 1.7 IN ONE DAY!) and guess what?! I forgot again. 2.1K AT CHAPTER 17 IS EPIC! (I forgot 2 write that down as well...)

I woke up this morning to see that I had 2.7 fucking views. I literally can't express how happy I am. Each vote and view counts, because that is one more person that reads/votes. I am literally forever grateful for my readers. I am going to start thanking lots of people in my next chapter so comment a nickname right...


And I will try and get the early readers nicknames onto my next chapter! Adios! 

(Nickname example, myreadersareepic. The nicknames can be absolutely anything!)

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