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Dinah- she did it!

Mani- she wrote the song?

Dinah- yes and it sounds awesome!

Mani- did you record it?

Dinah- was I supposed to?

Mani- well yeah so me Ally and Lauren could see it

Dinah- oh whoops

Ally- I need to hear it!

Mani- hello Ally

Ally- Hi Mani

Dinah- hello weirdos

Mani- what was that for?

Dinah- idk

Ally- Okay

Dinah- anyway, camila kinda admitted that she thought the song was about lauren

Ally- She thought? Dinah don't pressure her into saying anything

Dinah- i didnt! i asked who it was about and she replied no one but i obviously knew that was a lie so i asked her again and she said that she thought it was about lauren

Mani- now we just need to get Lauren to admit that she likes Camila

Ally- How?

Mani- idk

Dinah- I have an idea...


Camz- lauren

Camz- lauren

Camz- lauren


Lolo- WHAT?

Camz- i just wanted to apologise

Lolo- Apologise for what?

Camz- remember how i'd always call u daddy

Lolo- Yes?

Camz- i wanted to apologise for it cause just now i realised that u were the one who was supposed to be saying it


Lolo- wow so you're saying i'm a bottom?

Camz- indirectly 

Lolo- So you're a top?

Camz- hell yeah

Lolo- Sorry but that is incorrect

Camz- no its not

Lolo- there is no way that you, Camila Cabello, is a top

Camz- i could show you better than i could tell you ;)

Lolo- camila

Camz- im sorry!

Camz- i will stop only if you say camila tops

Lolo- no

Camz- alright then baby

Camz- do you want me to show you?

Lolo- No

Lolo- camila tops

Camz- sorry what was that? i couldnt really hear you


Camz- okay but really i am sorry

Camz- where do u live?

Wrong - CamrenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora