Sleep over with some extra geusts

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Lori had everything she needed scissors and tweezers so did the rest of louds in the school. As the door opens the substitute teacher comes in " good day my name is mr Adam i will just put a video about the periodic table so we can relax understand ? Good " lori raised her hand the teacher groaned" yes ?" " where is Mr Lincoln ?" " he said that he has a cold, he won't be back until monday " lori groaned and send a text to all of the louds in the school" dang it" they said in unison.

After school

" it's bogus man ! " luan " i guess he got cold feet hahaha ! Get it ?" They groaned " it literally stinks ! Today was the day and Lincoln ruined it ! Its like the time we tied luan up on the roof ! "Luan " oh yeah you guys tied me up because i was pranking you, he got a three year no pranking ticket for it." Leni jumped in to the conversation " but didn't he give it luna ?" Lori sighed " yea luna was so shy back then" luna reminisced lincoln helping learn how to play her first guitar" yea bro was awesome !" lisa was packing " good day older siblings have You caught the dog that broke into your room ?" Lori answered "oh yes, thanks again lisa " lisa smiled " good i need a ride, i will be attending a gathering of friends to liz's humble abode where i will sleep for the night. Street name sleepover at liz's house." They gasped and lori said " your first sleepover !" "Like what do you have planned ? " "dude i have great sleepover jams for you !" " i have great jokes like, A kangaroo mom with seven babies in her pouch told another kangaroo mom, "These sleepovers are a pain !" Luan laughed " get it ?" Lisa sighed " and the bowl prank ! Thats a classic !" Leni " do like a fashion show or do a movie marathon! " lisa sighed " please leave me alone to my own business and lori drive me to the planned location " lori chuckled " fine i'll d- wait did you say liz's house ?" Lisa corrected her classes and in a dead pan ton " i have said that " lori thought a little " we should come with you " lisa " no need sis-"

A argument later

Lisa, Lori and Leni were driving to liz's house " you should've stayed home, my beloved siblings " she said keeping her rage in check " it's your first sleepover sis you need support " they stoped at lincolns house and before lisa could nock Lincoln opened and he had bald head " hey lisa hey leni hey lori come in" they all came in  Lincoln looked like a zombie wearing a orange bathrobe " I actually wanted to call you leni can you watch the girls tonight i will pay ext-a-achoo !" Leni had to ask " like whats with the bald look ?" Lincoln cleared his nose " charles had fleas and it spread to me, luckily liz is fine " lisa sighed with relief " good i was worried i had to put my hazmat suit on " Lincoln thought a little and remembered what lucy told him about lisa " oh yea you're the genius loud aren't ya ? Smart with books and all known ways of science but not a good with arts and crafts, right lis ?" Lisa nodded " i can conquer that is true "  liz was sitting on the couch with darcy " lisa lisa come sit we are watching movie about cats  !" Lisa smilled and sat next to her friends lori came close to liz who instantly hid inside her sweater " did i do something wrong ?" Darcy smiled " no she is just shy to new people and the lions are on now " liz pocked her head out to see the lion cubs " literally why are you watching this ?" Lisa answered " because it's educationally valuable and its the only thing we could agree on . After this we will play board games ." Lori didn't have anything to say exception from " where do you throw your trash ?" Liz stayed put didn't move a inch lisa and darcy shrugged " leni do you know where they throw their trash ? " leni thought and shrugged. Lori ran out of the house and their wasn't any dumpsters " dang it !" Lori came back in to see the girls playing shoots and escalators " yes five steps ! And with the escalators that makes 11 steps !" Lisa said and lori smiled " so are they having fun ?" Leni said " tots ! " lori smiled " that's good we just need to get some of that hair " liz left and went to the kitchen leni thought a little and said " how about we look around the house ? " lori " Leni thats-" she stops and a light ball appeared over loris head " a great idea i will start searching" Liz came back with some rock candy " i got rock candy !" Darcy and lisa took one. Apple for lisa strawberry for darcy. " ah confections sweet and delicious" darcy " where did you get these ? " liz " oh me and my dad made them he looked into how to make crystal and made these." Lisa keeped eating. darcy " you're dads smart liz"

While they were eating pure sugar. Leni and lori were looking around the first floor but didn't find anything "this is literally impossible !" Leni " Found one !" She showed a long straight hair which was liz " no Leni we need a hair from Lincoln not liz " they kept looking and snuck into Lincolns bed room and Charles started growling at them for lori it was because he didn't know her and for leni it was because of the bath" ok we will come later." They left and went to the second floor were they didn't find anything else " what did he do spring cleaning before we came ?" A little vacuum robot drove past them leni commented "oh so thats why the house is always so clean !" Lori sighed " lets just go back to the girls" as they came back the saw them dancing with the stereo turned on and were wearing what ever hat they found " oooh this is the best party ever !" Lisa screamed after eating 4 more rock candies . Leni and lori just stared " wow I literally thought i would never hear her scream that " leni just laughed " that's so adorable !" Lori took some pictures and the two teens joined the sleepover

Until everyone was asleep exception from lori who was still cleaning up " wow that was a crazy sleep over " she looked at lisa who had a rock candy stuck to her face after rapping for a hour making her friends join in " aren't they just adorable ?"  " oh lincoln you woke up ?" Lori looked surprised "yea i feel better, get some sleep i will throw that away " he took the stuff out of loris hands and lori saw one strain of hair on his bathrobe and she took it " so where are the trash bags anyway ? " lincoln answered " in the kitchen its trash compactor and we throw the rest into the incinerator and that heats the boiler in the basement " lori saw the vacuum bot cleaning the house and flying vacuuming the furniture " Oh yea that's the robot mom said she could build " she sighed and went to the guest room with leni while the other girls slept next to liz in her room.

Is the teacher our bro ?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora