Baby sitting

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Lori drove leni to her babysitting job " ok leni remember you literally have to ask him the things we wrote on your ok ?" Leni looked at lori " ok lori " leni left and walked to house it wasn't anything fancy a two floor house and looked very stable. Lincoln opened the door " oh hello ! Ok she likes jelly and sauerkraut sandwiches no crust. She can watch tv but nothing scary  or she will cry for days on end  " leni nodded " thanks for doing this leni I have to get some stuff from the store, any questions?" Leni looked at her arm " doe yo rember u pst ?" " um.... ok, see you soon leni she is shy and make sure she is happy !" Lincoln went to his bike.

As leni went inside the house styled modern and had a comic framed up and leni looked around hmmm " is anyone here ?" As leni was about to go out and ask Lincoln she felt someone hugging her leg and saw a little white haired girl with one eye covered up " oh hi I'm leni, what's your name ? " she was wearing  a sweater that fit her but the sleeves were too long and her name was written on it and she showed it to leni " L-i-z ? Thats a cute name and your sweater is tots cute !" Liz blushed at the compliment " so are you hungry ?" Liz shakes her head " do you like music ?" She turned the stereo on and it played Barney the dinosaur " hey my sisters love barney " liz nodded " how about we watch tv what do like to watch " after a game of find the freaking remote ! They were watching love boat " i like Brandon who do you ship ? " liz chuckled to the pun " huh ?" Leni looked confused after the show ended liz grabbed the controllers and gave one to leni they started playing invasion the game were you find aliens disguised as humans and leni was kinda good at it " got one ! No one wears polkadot shirt unless you're a clown." Liz smiled as a little dog named Charles jump into liz lap leni " awww his tots adorbs !" The  Pitbull Terrier licked Leni's " hey haha stop doggy " liz " h-his n-n-ame is Charles  " leni smilled " you have great voice" she was very soft spoken " yea b-but I'm worried s-someone will m-make fun of me" leni petted her " no Worries you are pretty and you're nice too " liz blushed a little because of the compliment " but my white hair..." leni pet her head " so what ? My grandpa has white hair and so does your dad " liz gave her a big warm hug " thanks leni " leni phone rang " oh wait " she took the phone " hey lori " lori " so what did you find ?" Leni answered " im very good at a game called invasions and i found a quieter " lori sighed " no about Lincoln!" Leni " oh well he has a nice house and he likes comics and liz is tots adorbs !" Lori " ok anything else ?" Leni " nope and- wait am i her aunt now ?" Lori sighed. " maybe ask liz about Lincoln " Leni returned to liz " so what's your dads favorite food ?" She thought " mac and cheese bites, peanut butter with sauerkraut sandwiches " Leni cringed at the second one " what it tastes great !" Leni " ok so like whats with the comic ?" liz" he drew it himself."

Lori saw a motorcycle drive past their house doing a trick lana jumped up " wow did you see that ?!" Lori " yea so ?" "Do you think his a biker ?" Lynn came down " did you see that guy ?! " lori sighed " so ?" " SO ?! That was awesome !" Lana " yea it was ! Do you think he will let me sit on his bike ? "Lynn " do you think he will let me ride it ?" Lori got a text from leni " oh i forgot he has a bike lol " " we should look for the guy tomorrow!" and with that she jumped in " NO ! No looking for some biker gang member ! I'm just saying this for your own good, you guys you could literally get hurt, promise me ok ?" Lynn jr and Lola said in unison " we promise !" Lori sighed with relief and laid on the couch.

Leni was playing with liz a game of checkers with a win for Leni and liz with 21 wins " wow you're good at this liz !" Liz " thanks wanna give charles a bath ?" Leni nodded and they took charles to the bath" a hour later the bike raced past the loud residence again Lana and  Lynn jr stared in aww " his so cool ! "Lynn jr " yea but we promised lori " lana sighed" yea but we find out who he is with following him ?" Lynn grabbed her phone and toke a picture of the bikers license plate. As Lincoln came back from the store he saw liz and leni went " um liz did you give charles a bath agian ?" Lyz smiled " leni is the best babysitter ever !" Lincoln smiled " i see you two had fun, so how much do i owe you ?" Leni answered " no need first nights free i will get my sister to get me a ride home." Lincoln smilled " at least take a towel Leni " he gave her to towel dried her hair leni laughed because it tickled.

She left and called lori " hey lori can you get me ? "Lori drove to leni and after coming home lori called in a meeting of the loud members who were older then ten exception from Lynn jr" so we have more proof that our teach Lincoln Wilson is our lost brother Lincoln loud !" Leni showed them the picture " he likes comics, his favorite food seems to be mac and cheese bites and peanut butter with sauerkraut sandwiches!" Luan was starting to believe her sisters " wow this is turning sour for me ! Hahha Get it ?" The all groaned " he also plays video games and has a motorbike." Luna had to ask " sis how did you get those pictures ?" Leni answered " oh i babysat his daughter " luna " sis what kind of gal is she ?" Len answered " she is realy sweet but she is shy and has the most sweetest voice !" Luan " i guess you could call her honey! Haha get it " they groaned" ok next step get a dna sample of Lincoln and see if we are related and then we will tell mom and dad ok ?" They all nodded " tell lisa tomorrow and we will have our brother back !" They all cheered and lola yelled " HEY PIPE DOWN I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP !"

Is the teacher our bro ?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن