Surprise on Tour

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Hayley had been on tour now for nearly 3 weeks and we had been apart since her first show. I was really busy at work so I was unable to go on tour with her. However, work has died down and I was able to book a week off so I was going to surprise Hayley at her show tonight. The only person I had told was Marla, so that way Hayley had less chance of finding out that I was coming. I had flown straight from work to the city she was performing in. I had just landed when my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was a FaceTime call from Hayley. I quickly declined it so she wouldn't figure out where I was. I called her back and within seconds she replied. "Hey baby." I said only to be interrupted by Hayley saying "Why did you decline my FaceTime call?"
"Erm...I've got no makeup on and my hairs a mess, I look terrible. Trust me you don't wanna see this." I replied saving myself. "It doesn't matter y'know, you always look beautiful baby." I just blushed and quickly changed the subject. "So, where are you?" I asked. "In the bus. I was trying to sleep but I really miss you. I just wanted to talk to you."
"I really miss you too, but it won't be long until we see each other again. I've got a weekend off in a few weeks so I'll be able to come and see you then okay?" I felt really guilty lying to Hayley but it was for a good cause. "I just really miss you." Hayley replied and began sniffing like she was about to cry. "Hey, don't cry baby. It's not long now. Before you know it I'll be there." I said holding back tears myself. "I'm not crying." Hayley said in a voice that made it pretty evident that she was crying. On the other end of the phone I heard someone say that she had to go and do soundcheck. "I've gotta go I'm sorry." Hayley said sniffing and probably wiping the tear stains from her checks. "Ok baby." I said. "Have a good show tonight. I'll ring you later on okay? I love you so much."
"I love you too baby." Hayley said trying not to cry again. "I love you more." I said before hanging up the phone. I feel really guilty but hopefully she will forgive me.

I had arrived at the venue just as Hayley was about to go on stage. Marla met me at the back door and helped me put my bags in the tour bus. I then want and stood at the side of the stage just out of site of Hayley. She's just so amazing to watch live and I just love to see how happy it makes her doing what she loves to do every night. It makes all the tears and the heartache worth it. Just as she was about to perform her last song, I walked on stage behind her and put my finger on my lips to signal to the audience to keep quiet. Hayley was stood at her mic stand talking to the audience about how they have been great but she stopped mid sentence when she felt my arms wrap around her waist. She jumped slightly then screamed as she turned her head to look at me. A huge infectious smile spread across her lips as she jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist. I mirrored her smile and wrapped my arms tightly around her. "I missed you!" Hayley said burying her face into my neck. She pulled back and kissed me passionately. We stood there in the middle of the stage with the audience cheering and screaming in the background. The kiss felt like it lasted for hours when in reality it only probably lasted for 30 seconds. "I love you so much." Hayley said pulling away from the kiss. She had tears streaming down her face and so did I. I placed her back on the ground and she hugged me again. "Hey, you lied to me before!" she said pushing me on the shoulder. I laughed and just kissed her again. "I had too otherwise it wouldn't have been a surprise." Hayley just hugged me again and buried her face into my neck. She quietly mumbled "I love you so much."
"I love you too."

A/N-I might not be uploading as often over the next few weeks because I'm going to be doing my A Level exams soon 😰😰 but once they are finished, I should be back to uploading more often again. 😁😁

Hayley Kiyoko ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora