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You had wanted a puppy ever since you were little and you had brought it up with Hayley numerous time over the 2 years you had been together but it was never the right time. You were either really busy with work or Hayley was really busy with work or you were moving to a new apartment etc. However, you and Hayley had just moved in together in a very spacious apartment that had plenty of room for a small furry four-legged friend. "Hayleeeeyy?" you said as you approached her from behind and wrapped your arms around her waist while she was stood at the stove cooking lunch. "Whaaaatt?" she replied sighing and rolling her eyes in fake annoyance at my baby voice. "Wouldn't it be really nice to have a friend?"
"You've got plenty of friends." Hayley stated slightly confused as to where this conversation was going. "I know but I mean like a small one. With four legs. And fur." I said, my baby voice getting quieter and quieter. Hayley turned around in my arms and said "Are you asking if we can get a puppy?"
"Maybe." I said lowering my head so I broke eye contact with her. "We don't have enough room though." she replied looking around the apartment. "Yeah we do, look." I said running around the large open plan space with my arms spread out at either side of me trying to prove my point that we did have enough space for a puppy. Hayley just giggled at me as I made my way around the apartment and eventually back to her. "See?"
"I know we have enough room for a puppy but a puppy won't be a puppy forever. What happens when it grows?"
"We have enough room don't worry. It's not like I want a Great Dane or anything like that, just a small dog like a French Bulldog." I protested. "Where will it go to the toilet?" Hayley then asked. "We will have to toilet train it first but then we have access to the roof garden, we have a balcony and we can just take it out for a walk if it needs to go to the toilet."
"You have an answer for everything don't you?" Hayley said rolling her eyes jokingly and kissing me on my lips. "Yeah." I said snuggly then laughed. "We can think about it. But what happens when we go on holiday or when I go on tour? Who will look after it?" She said as she pulled me closer to her by my baggy hoodie. "I could stay at home and look after it. Or friends or family could come and look after it. Or if worst comes to the worst then it could go to kennels until we come back."
"So your choosing the puppy over me?!" Hayley said pouting. "I can't go on tour without you, I'd miss you too much. Don't leave me and make me go alone." she protested in a sad baby voice. I laughed and pulled her into an embrace and kissed her lips. "I'm not choosing the puppy over you." I said giggling at Hayley's slightly dramatic response even though I know she was only joking. I kissed her again then said "Of course I have to come on tour with you. I can't stay here because who will keep an eye on you to make sure your behaving." I said and she slapped me playfully on the arm. "Your the one who would get into trouble not me.  If anything I'M the one keeping an eye on YOU!" I dramatically held my hand on the chest and pretended to be hurt by her comment. She laughed at me and then we just held each others gaze. "I love you." I said after a few minutes of silence. "I love you too." She replied. "I'd love a puppy more though." I said which earned another playful slap on the arm. I giggled and kissed her again passionately on the lips.

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