Puppy Part 2

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Finally! I've convince Hayley that we should get a puppy. It's 9am and we were ready to go and pick up our new friend from the rescue home. We went 2 weeks ago to the dog shelter and found the most perfect puppy in the whole world. He didn't have a name so we will be able to choose his name when he comes and lives with us. A member of the public found a litter of French Bulldog puppies in a cardboard box in an ally and took them to the dog shelter. All the other puppies had been re-homed when we went apart from ours so we chose him.

"Hayley come on let's go!" I shouted to Hayley who was still in our bedroom. "I'm coming!" she replied running out of the bedroom with one shoe on. I giggled at her as she ran around the room like a tornado collecting her bag, her jacket and her missing shoe. "Where's my..."
"Phone?" I said handing her her phone that she had left in the kitchen. "Thanks." She said smiling at me and my amazing organisational skills. "Ready?" I asked her. "As ready as we will ever be." She said and took my hand as we made our way out of the apartment and down to our car.

"What do you want to call him?" Hayley asked as we sat on the sofa watching our new puppy who was fast asleep on a toy elephant Hayley bought the other day when she went shopping. The toy was at least four times bigger than he was but he had managed to drag it round the puppy pen he was in and then fell asleep on it. "I don't know. It should be a joint decision. Like picking the name for your baby."
"If you think about it, this is like our trial run before we have kids." This was the first time Hayley had ever really mentioned having kids together that wasn't a joke. "You want to have kids? Like, with me? Together?" I said sitting up and looking at Hayley. "Yeah..." she said "Don't you?"
"Yes! Of course I do. It's just that we've never had a conversation about it and I just wasn't sure if you wanted to have a family with me." Hayley took hold of my hand and pulled me onto her lap. "Of course I want a family with you. I'm intending to be with you for the rest of my life so yeah, I do want us to start a family together one day." I grinned and placed a delegate kiss on her lips and I could feel her smiling back at me. "How many children do you want then?" I asked pulling away from her and sitting back on her lap. "Like 20." she giggled. "No way! We are not having 20 children. If you think I'm going to push 20 watermelons out of my vagina for you, you have another thing coming!" Hayley just laughed at my statement and pulled me in for a hug. I shuffled round so I was sat sideways on Hayley's lap and snuggled into the crook of her neck. We just sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes enjoying each other's embrace. "Watermelon!" Hayley shouted, slightly deafening me. "What?" I said sitting up and looking at her. "That's what we should name him, Watermelon." I laughed and said "Watermelon it is then."

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