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Today was the anniversary of the first day me and Hayley met. Our paths crossed 5 years ago at Coachella and from that point on we had been inseparable. I had accidentally bumped into her when I was going to get my breakfast and we just started talking. We spent the whole day together and shared our first kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel that night, as we watched the sun set behind us.

As well as our anniversary, it also happened to be the day that Hayley was going to be performing at Coachella. She had become increasingly more excited and nervous as her stage time crept closer and closer. "Your gunna kill it like always." I said pulling her closer to me and wrapping my arms around her waist. "I hope so." she replied, her voice coming out slightly muffled as she spoke into the side of my neck. "I know so." I said as I pulled away from the embrace and kissed her on the lips. Hayley seemed more nervous than usual to perform. I know it's at Coachella and all her family are here but she just seems to be more anxious than she normally is. I sat down on the sofa in the tour bus and Hayley laid down beside me with her head in my lap. I ideally played with her hair and admired all the features on her face. The way her forehead wrinkled to form a frown when she was thinking about something and the way her lips moved in their own unique way when she spoke. "I can't believe we've known each other for 5 years. It literally feels like yesterday when I met you." I said running my thumb in circles on her temple. "I know, but it feels like I've known you a lifetime." Hayley replied looking up at me with a small smile on her lips. I kissed her forehead and whispered against her sunkissed skin "I love you so much." The smile on her lips grew bigger and she said "I love you more."
"Impossible." I replied.

I was stood at the side of the stage watching Hayley perform. She was absolutely incredible. I loved watching her perform, she just looks so content and happy and hot. She was coming towards the end of her last song and she turned to look at me for the thousandth time that night and I could just see the pure joy in her eyes and how light just shone from them. I still can't get over, after all these years, how utterly in love with her I am. My breath still hitches every time I see her and my heart just races thinking of her. Hayley's voice tore me from my train of thought as I heard her say "Thank you so much for tonight, but I've just got one more thing to do. Y/N, can you just come here for a second please." I looked up at her and she gestured for me to come on stage. I furrowed my brow in confusion and walked reluctantly on stage. Hayley met me half way and took my hand leading me into the centre of the stage. I looked out in front of me to see a sea made up of thousands of people. "Your probably wondering why I brought you out here right?" Hayley said drawing my attention back to her. "Yeah..." I said a little nervous. "Well, today is our 5 year anniversary of when we first met and it was right here at Coachella. Ever since I first locked eyes with you I have fallen more and more in love with you. You are the most kind, caring, compassionate, loving, beautiful person I know and you just brighten up my life. Every morning I wake up to you, I just feel so privileged to be in your life and so lucky that I get to call you mine. You've always been there for me, even when it got really tough, you have always stuck by me and helped me get through the hard times. You always make me laugh and you just know me, sometimes more than I know myself. I love you so so so much. I don't think it was a coincidence that I was performing at Coachella on our anniversary, I think it's fate. So, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do this so, here goes." Hayley said then knelt down on one knee and pulled a small ring box for her jacket pocket. She opened it to reveal a stunning ring and then she said "Y/F/N, will you marry me?" The crowd had gone silent and I put my hands over my mouth as tears streamed from my eyes. "Yes." I whispered while nodding. The crowed cheered and clapped but I didn't really hear them, I was just focused on Hayley. She stood up then picked me up spinning me around. She then placed me back on the floor and pulled the ring out of the box. I held out my shaking hand and Hayley took it in hers to steady it and slid the ring on to my ring finger. "It's beautiful." I said wiping tears from my cheeks and Hayley pulled me into a passionate and loving kiss. "I love you so much." she said and kissed me again. "I love you so much too." I said reconnecting our lips as a new phase of our lives had just begun.

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