chapter four

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"NIALL! Ni wake up. Wake up now, I'm serious Niall." Niall felt something bounce on his bed and it came closer. He just really didn't want to face reality today. And now that something landed on his ribs. He guessed he should've get up the first time he was called because daaaamn that hurt. Niall let out an weird pained sound. "Oh well you don't need to get up if-" Perrie's eyes went wide. "Oh no I- no I'm sorry I forgot you bruised your ribs, my god, I'm sorry! I bet that hurts a lot, wow how did I not remember that.. Sorry Ni I didn't mean to I-" "It's okay just quit talking already, I'll get over it. Will you get me something to drink please?" "Yes! Sure, I'll be right back."

Niall twisted and turned till he was comfortable again. He closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep again. "Ni! Do you have eggs? I'll make us breakfast!" "I don't think I have, we can walk to the store to get some stuff if you want, I usually don't really cook myself things." Niall shouted back at Perrie. "Sure! Be ready in twenty?" "Got it!" Niall groaned but got up anyway, took a quick shower while trying not to get the cast on his wrist wet. He looked and saw bruises beginning to form on his ribcase, arms and neck. He guessed there were some on his back too. He flinched while tracing his ribs, they still hurt a lot.

Twenty minutes later Niall came downstairs in a blue sweater and  jeans. "Hey Niall, ready to go?" He nodded and they walked to the store (which thankfully was opened on Sundays too) making small talk. "Sooo, what do we get?" Niall stared at the various types of milk looking confused and replied: "I don't know! Look at the milk! How am I supposed to choose something like this? You do it! I don't care what milk I drink? I'll get me some sweets and-" "Wow Ni, slow down, it's not a big deal really. I'll get everything,  why don't you wait at the checkout." Niall let out a sigh and mumbled: "Yes, sure, see you at the checkout."

Perrie didn't really understand why Niall made such a big deal out of choosing milk but she didn't question it. After getting some milk, eggs, bacon and orange juice she walked over to the checkout where she bumped into someone. "Hey, watch it blondie." she heard while falling down, the eggs cracked. Great.

Without looking up she answered: "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying any attention." "Yes I can see that. How about next time you watch out before you go around-" The man, or boy, looked at someone behind Perrie and opened his mouth once again. "You're not with that loser, are you? How am I not surprised? Losers hang out with Losers right? All though it's a shame. You're pretty good looking." Meanwhile Perrie stood up and looked at who was behind her and saw Niall, who was looking at the ground with sad eyes. "Hey listen up mister 'I am better than everyone'. You are absolutely pathetic, judging someone by who they hang out with. Niall is one of the sweetest persons ever and probably nicer than you'll ever be. You have no right making him feel bad about himself. Now please walk away because I don't like being seen with arrogant people like yourself." The boy looked taken aback and didn't answer.

"Hey Perrie let's go back to our flat yeah? I'm pretty hungry." "Sure Ni, I'll just grab some new eggs then we'll be heading back." Perrie walked away and didn't spare the other boy a glance. "Ehm.. Hi Louis.." "What happened to your wrist?" "Now tell me why you'd care." "I don't." Louis answered and walked away.


Niall informed Perrie on who Louis was, 'a guy from school', when Perrie asked 'what the hell that jerk his problem was'. With the way she said that Niall couldn't help but laugh but then answered with a 'I wish I knew'. Perrie joined the laughter and together they made breakfast. Or Perrie made breakfast while Niall watched.

"Hey have you seen my phone?" Perrie looked confused. "Ehm no.. It's your phone Niall." Niall blushed and went to search for his phone. Turning it on he remembered why he even turned it off. 'Why did Harry even keep his number? They never talked anyway.'

From: Zayn M. 

To: Niall H.

I'm not kidding actually.. :( Just wanted you to know that you, me, Harry and Louis got paired up for a project for our music class.

From: Niall H. 

To: Zayn M.

Oh okay, I think.. Sorry I guess, thanks for telling me

To: Niall H. 

From: Zayn M.

No problem :) why werent you at school these past few days? you seemed okay when I saw you the other day.. Oh and what happened to your wrist?

To: Zayn M. 

From: Niall H.

Neither of that is really your business, now is it

To: Niall H.

From: Zayn M.

Eh, I guess not, sorry 

From: Niall H.

To: Zayn M.

'S okay. Gotta go, my friend made breakfast. Bye.

Zayn looked up from his phone and sighed. Maybe eating some breakfast was a good idea. He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen and asked himself some things. 'Why did Niall act that way around him and towards him? He did nothing wrong, did he? No he didn't. He was sure of that. What other thing could make Niall act like that? Maybe he should ask Harry.'

From: Zayn M.

To: Harry S.

What is up with Niall? I ran into him yesterday and he acted even weirder than at school

While waiting for a response Zayn ate some eggs and watched TV. He had to go to his new school again tomorrow and although everyone was nice to him and he made some friends he still felt weird. A couple of weeks ago Zayn decided he wanted to go to the London University. Alone. His family was still in Bradford and his flat was feeling kind of empty. He didn't have to pay for his flat, his father didn't let him because he felt guilty for never really paying attention to Zayn. Zayn didn't mind, it ment less things to worry about. Zayn just finished his plate of food when his phone buzzed.

From: Harry S.

To: Zayn M.

I don't know, he's an weird one. Still is an nice lad though, we used to b friends actually.

Zayn frowned.


That;s the chapter for today. I haven't updated in a looong time and I'm really sorry. the good news is that I passed my exams!!!! Sooo that means I finally have time to update. I;m actually already halfway writing the next chapter :) I will update monday! Have a great weekend! I know I will, I'm celebrating ofcourse! xx (I did not check for any mistakes in this chapter. if you notice any, please point them out! x)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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