chapter three

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"Hi Niall! I'm so glad you are willing to let me stay, I mean we've known each other for a day and thank you so much, that motel was really making me sick and I have to start on my school monday and I haven't even gotten any stuff for it yet. I'll look for my own flat as soon as possible, I don't want to bother you at all.. But I hope you don't mind maybe showing me around in the city this morning? Maybe we could-" "Hey, hey, Perrie? Shut up will you, I really don't mind just stop talking. Let me wake up for a little while." "Oh yes, I'm sorry. Just thank you a lot." "It really isn't a problem, please sit down so I can get dressed, okay?" Perrie nodded.

After Niall got dressed, and showed Perrie around the flat, they went out to get stuff for in Perrie's room. "Hey Perrie what school are you going to actually?" "Like I know, they all look the same, it's like two block's from your flat so it's really close though." "THAT'S WHERE I'M GOING!" Niall squealed. Perrie laughed: "How manly!" "Psssht shut up" He replied while blushing.

Niall looked confused for a while when Perrie asked him if he was okay. "I am actually, I just can't believe you moved in with me, I mean we can be friends." Perrie laughed. "No I mean it, I sound like crazy stalkerish but I never have any friends and everyone always leave when they get other friends and now you're here and.. are we even friends?" "Yes! Yes, ofcourse we are. Do you think I'd move in with a total stranger for god knows how long if I didn't like the person?! Now let's drop this and get movies and popcorn and all kinds of food and we'll have a sleepover and we'll eat as much as we can and-" "Ice cream." Niall interrupted. "What?" "Let's go and get ice cream." Perrie agreed.


After they got ice cream and went to get food and popcorn they went back to the flat. "Hey Perrie do you think we can watch- oh I'm sorry I, wait, Zayn? What the hell are you doing here?" "Oh hi Niall, I just came back from Harry's, he lives on the third floor!" "Oh I know where he lives, don't worry. This is Perrie by the way. Perrie, this is Zayn." After Perrie and Zayn said hi to eachother Niall began walking away again. "Hey where are you going?" Zayn called after him. "Why don't you mind your own business, Zayn. See you monday. Come on Perrie let's go, movie night!" Perrie followed.

"What was that all about?" Perrie asked. "Nothing. What do you want to drink?" "What do you mean nothing? And some water would be nice." "He's just some boy from our school. Here's your water." "There is clearly something going on with him. And Thanks" "I might not really like him. What kind of movie do you want to see?" "Why don't you like him? I like horror! Or comedy." "I don't really have comedy movies. What about this one?" Niall held up a movie. "And he's a popular kid. Popular kids don't like me." "But he seemed nice!" "What about this movie?" "Niall, I know something is going on. Tell me please?" Niall sighed.

"Okay so that boy on the third floor, Harry?" Perrie nodded. "Well he and I used to be friends. But then Harry and another guy from our school, Louis one of the popular kids, became friends. One day I tried to talk to Harry in the hallway when I saw Louis whisper something to him. So I said 'hi' and guess what. He hit me. Straight on my cheek. He said nothing he did nothing he just, he hit me. And then he walked away with Louis and he never tried to talk to me again." "Wow Niall, I'm so sorry." "Oh don't worry. The thing is Zayn tried to talk to me one day, and the next day Harry came over and told me I should leave him alone because 'he won't doubt to hit me again'." "Oh I get why you don't like talking to them." "Let's not talk about it and let's watch this movie." "Sure, also get us some real drinks!" "Yes please."


"Perrie, Perrie wake up. We fell asleep." Niall whispered. Perrie groaned. "Get up Perrie We have to go to bed." "No I'll sleep here, see you tomorrow. Bye" Perrie said as she fell asleep again right away. Niall chuckled. "How 'bout I'll carry you to your bed yea? It'll probably be a lot more comfortable." Perrie lifted her arms as a response. Niall laughed and lifted her up to bring her to bed. When Niall finally layed down in his own bed he checked his phone.

From: Unknown number

To: Niall H.

Hey, how are you?

From: Niall H.

To: Unknown number

Hey mate, I think you've got the wrong number..

From: Unknown number

To: Niall H.

Quite sure I don't.. Niall isn't it? :)

From: Niall H.

To: Unknown number

Ehmmm yes? Who's this?

From: Unknown number

To: Niall H.

It's Zayn! I asked Harry for your number :)

From: Niall H.

To: Zayn M.

Are you kidding me or something mate?

Niall turned of his phone, and groaned. He really had the urge to scream. But for now, he just went to sleep.


edited 24-06)

hi guys. finally updated, bit late I know.. I was really busy with school and I struggled a bit with the POV Im writing in. Again if you see any spelling mistakes or something please point em out so I can fix them :) I also edited the other chapters a little bit, just some minor fixes and changes, nothing big. xx

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