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It was thursday, lunchbreak, when Niall first saw him. He sat alone at a lunch table when the door to the lunchroom opened. A tinted boy with jet black hair, amazing cheekbones, and a jawline that could cut his bread walked in. After a minute or two the whispers about the tinted boy started.

"Who's that?" Niall heard two girls talk to eachother.  "Zayn Malik, he's in my math class."  "Where's he from?" "Bradford, though he's crazy rich." "I heard his dad is some filthy rich business man."

Niall zoned out after that. He heard what he wanted to know. 'Zayn Malik, that's a pretty name..' he mumbled to himself. Niall saw Zayn walking towards the bar to get some food. He continued to play with his food, pushing it around the plate a bit, he never really did eat anything. Niall looked up when he heard the scraping of a chair. Zayn sat down in front of him. He looked around him and saw the people already staring. He sighed.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not really the most populair person around here," Niall said. Zayn didn't reply. Niall sighed again and continued playing with his food. He decided to try again after a while. "I can tell you now mate," Niall got interrupted by Zayn: "You're Irish, that's cute." Niall blushed. 'A pretty voice too..' he thought. "I'm really not the person you want to be seen with, trust me," he continued "from what I've heard you're filthy rich. You're also really fit," Zayn smirked at that, "I'm sure the populair kids would accept you in their group in no time." When Niall finished talking Zayn stood up and walked away without saying anything.

'Great. there goes the pretty boy.'

~edited 26-06~

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