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it was just a normal day 

i woke up at 11 :pm,brushed my teeth and washed my face 

and picked an outfit for the evening;it was a simple white blouse paired with a ripped denim jacket ,skinny jeans and last but not least,my favourite maroon converse 

I don't know why i was so excited for tonight,It's not like something big would happen 


''look who decided to wake up''my dad joked ,knowing that i wasn't a morning person AT ALL!!!!

''ha.ha.ha, very funny dad ,i'm like dieing of laughter right now''i said keeping a straight face 

i don't know why but at this moment i started thinking about the twins and how much i miss th-

''HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU''the voice of my little brother xader made me go back to reality 

''was zendeya thinking about her lover''he said as he kept moving his eyebrows up and down 

'''oh shut up will you!!i don't know how you are only ten''...''and no i was thinking about the twins ,do you believe i have not seen them for two weeks !!!stupid school trip''

''hey!relax we're going to pick them up with the rest of the family from the airport tonight''

yeah i totally forgot that the whole family was going to be there 

oh gosh! that means i'm going to meet  diana that brat of a cousin ,i honestly don't know how adam and  adrian deal with her she is overly spoiled thanks to my uncle                                                     he always wanted a girl but with the twins coming first he wasn't very pleased and when that female dog came ...........................SHE IS NOT EVEN THAT LITTLE SHE IS 15 YEARS OLD FOR GOD'S SAKE

they treat her like she is princess and they believe her little act ,oh but when we are all alone           she comes back to her true colours 

                                                                     skip to the ride to the airport                                                                                                       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

''ZENDEYA!!CALM DOWN''shouted both my parents at the same time                                                            it isn't my fault that i'm going to meet my bestfriends 


''are we there yet!are we there yet!are we there yet!HAHAHA''see even xavier is excited 

''yes we are here'

''FINALLY''xavier and i shouted trying toget out of the car at once ,resulting in a crash and we both fell to the ground groaning                                                                                                                                       ''here let me help you up''a voice saud and i opened my eyes to find no one other that the evil witch trying to pull an act and be the kind hearted girl she is                                                                              BUT NOT ON ME BABY!!

''WHY SO YOU CAN BREAK IT ''i snapped out of no where causing my parents to yell at me something about being polite 

i got up by myself then helped xavier up and went to greet my uncle and aunt 

just as i was greeting them a voice called from the airport about the private plane that just landed from south africa 

well you are probably wondering why are they on a private plane 

well because my uncle is stupid rich he refused to let them go directly with the school ,can you believe it .........i don,t know how can his sons be so different but thank God they are !!!

and i see them walking to us ,and i was running towards them ,i noticed that something wasn't right..............................





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2018 ⏰

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