•| Promises |•

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This is going to be short, sorry~

I can explain someday because it might spoil a little info~

Go on~


" Forget the past and... Make new memories and to... Never leave each other..? "

" Yeah.. "

" I'd love that. "


" I promise you... That who ever I'll be.. I'll still be the one you loved.. I love you... "

" You're so corny.. "

" I love you too"

" Ah well. You know me~"


After losing you in the past because of my mistake.. Made me feel worst than it can be..

So as much as I can..

I swear to make up my time for you... 

And to never make a mistake to lead me away from you again...

" C'mon, Let's go to the cafeteria, I'm hungry~"

" Yeah, Sure... "


" I'll be with you

When nobody will...

I'll care for you...

If anyone didn't cared to do so..

I will love you...

When I know that you love me also... "


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