•| This IS me |•

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My OC's name is Nagisa OK? But she can be called Mia but sadly, I'll use Mia instead,

- Mia's/Nagisa's POV-

5 years old,

*sigh* The kids inside are so noisy...

I couldn't even read my book properly because of their noise...

Just when I think that I can finally get along with everyone..

" Hey! "

I heard a voice of a boy,

I looked up, parting my eyes from the book I was reading,

I looked up and saw a boy with white hair and green eyes,

I immediately felt alarmed just by this boy who's getting near ME,

" U-U-Um... C-Can I help you..? " I asked, shyly,

" Why are you here all alone? " He asked, tilting his head sideways,

" U-Uh... I don't like it inside... I'm scared that everyone might not like me.. " I said, shyly again, hiding half of my face with my closed book,

" So you like it when you're this alone..? " He asked confusingly,

OK, That's a bit rude..

" That's mean for you to say... " I muttured, getting a bit amused,

" It is? *chuckles* Sorry. My name is Tyler! What's your name? " He asked cheerfully,

" I-I'm Mia... " I answered,

" Nice to meet you Mia! " He extended his hands to me,

While I, slowly let my book down from my arms and shake the boy's hands,

" N-Nice to meet you too, Tyler... " I said, finally getting unfazed by my shyness,

Once I shook his hands and smiled,

He let out a wide grin across his face, smiling like there's no forever,

" Mia!! "

I heard my Father's voice,

I snapped and looked at my left, seeing my Father walk towards me and Tyler's direction, his car parked at the side of the road,

" Mia, We're going sweetie.. " He said, leaning down to face me with a genuine smile,

" Hai Papa... " I said, looking at him, grabbing my small hand,

" My my, I see you've made yourself a friend, What's your name young man? " He asked Tyler joyfully,

" My name is Tyler sir! " He said cheekyly,

" Why Hello Tyler, I hope my little Mia didn't have to make any trouble just for you to meet each other.. " My father chuckled,

" Papa... That was kind of mean.. " I said, pouting a bit,

" It is? *chuckles* My, oh well, Would you mind if I get my daughter for now? I'd love it if you two can see each other again tomorrow" My father said, carrying me into his arms,

" Of course sir! I'm sure Mia would also want that! " He cheered,

That maybe true...

" *chuckles* Ok then, We'll see you tomorrow Tyler.. " Father said, walking away,

" Bye Tyler.. " I waved at him,

He waved back, smiling wide,

I just made a friend....

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