Chapter 1

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I'm a famous ceo worshiped by all women. I have everything and can get what I want.

Suddenly my cell phone rang and I picked it up

"Julian! Your father is in the hospital!"
" How can?!"
"Hurry up here, I'm waiting for you at the hospital!"
"Mother send hospital address so I can get there fast"
After getting the hospital address, I immediately rushed there.

Arriving at the hospital, I went straight to the father's room. Mom immediately embraced me and cried to see the state of my father.

"Julian, I want you to get married soon!"
I was very surprised by the wishes of my father who asked me to get married soon

"Well dad! I'm gonna get married soon but dad has to get well soon"
Dad smiled at my speech

Then the mother pulled me out of the room and talked to me

"Are you sure of your words that you'll get married soon?"
"Yes mom! I do not want dad disappointed with me"
"I hope you can get a woman who can be your wife"
"Sorry, I have to go back to the office because there is a meeting"
"Okay, be careful on the street"

After leaving the hospital, I went straight to the office. Suddenly in the middle of the road, I saw a woman fighting with a man.

And the man slapped her and hit her until she fell to the ground. I immediately pulled over my car and saved the woman from the man who hit her

"You do not be insolent with this woman!"
"Who are you ?! How dare you to shout at me! Just so you know, this lady is a whore I've paid tens of thousands of dollars but she can not satisfy me in bed!"

"Because of your passions you hurt this woman!"

I started to beat the man and he hit back at me but always missed. Finally I broke his jawbone and hit his stomach repeatedly until he did not move.

And the man ran away with his car. I picked her up in the car and drove her to the hospital for treatment

" Who are you?"
"You just calm down I will not do evil to you"
"I feel so bad"
"Soon we'll get to the hospital"
"Thank you for helping me"

I can not bear to see a woman hurt. Suddenly I had an idea to make her my wife so that my father would get better after hearing my marriage

Upon arriving at the hospital, I helped her walk until she was wheelchaired by a nurse and escorted to the doctor's room for treatment

After treatment, the doctor told her to rest at home.

"Where is your house? I'll take you home"
Suddenly she cried and I immediately hugged her

"Why are you crying?"
"I do not have a place to live and I do not remember at all about my old life."
"Well then you stay in my apartment"
"Why are you so kind to me?"
"Because I want to make you my wife"
"What ?! We just met and all of a sudden you said you wanted to marry me! What kind of joke is this ?!"
"I'm serious about my words, please help me! My father is in the hospital now and wants me to get married soon, I do not have a wife and when I meet you, I think you deserve to be my wife!"

"You do not know who I am! Who knows I was a criminal, do you still want to marry me?"

"I do not care about your important past you want to marry me! Our marriage is just a charade, and we'll divorce after my father's condition gets better, I'll give you $ 20,000 if you're going to marry me"

"Okay I want to help you! If you can know who's your name?"

"I'm julian, you?"
"I am chelsea! Congratulations to do business with me! I guarantee you will not be disappointed with me"
Finally we both agreed to start this charade marriage

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