6. Being Dominated

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     There's a ringing in his ear, he knows why, he knows exactly why and he hates it.

     A gust of air interrupts his thinking as Eric breaks down the door. Neal doesn't look up, just flinches as he feels his mates dark and heavy aura. Tightening his grip on his knees, he tries to make himself smaller against the wall, trying to disappear into it.

     He doesn't, but he also doesn't flinch when Eric slides an arm beneath his bent legs and the other across his back, a small grunt escaping him as he stands with Neal in his hold. There's no hiding his face now, but he still tries, brings his hands to his face to brush away the tears accumulating on his eyelashes. Weakly, he pushes against Eric's chest, trying to ignore his warmth. He can't though, not when he's placed on the bed with Eric crawling over him.

     "Let me explain before you decide to go make another makeshift dagger." Eric says in a light tone and Neal can't stop the stifled laugh that escapes him. There's shakiness in Eric's body, only seeming to calm down when he falls on top of him and curls his arms around his torso. Guilt fills him, knowing the other was worried about him, especially when he locked himself in the other room.

     He returns the hug, it was a non-sexual act, something he had done with his brothers and Ian. But with Eric, it seemed to mean more, he was starting to enjoy them a lot more than the hugs he'd get from his family.

     "Eric," Neal finally whispers after silence consumes the space around them. Eric hums against his ear, encouraging him to continue, "I'm cold."

     Eric pulls back at that, leaning down to try and press his lips against Neal's. The other sees it coming though, and turns his head to the side just in time for the kiss to be pressed against his cheek. A sigh escapes Eric's lips at the act and once he's fully off of Neal, he turns to grip the blanket, using it to cocoon Neal. Once he's bundled up, Eric sits behind him, tugging on the other until he falls back against his chest.

     "I love you Neal, and I value as a mate but I don't think I should just go on and fuck you before you even get to know me. I promise I will, soon, but not yet." He holds back a snort when Neal looks back at him with a pout. Really?

     "But I want to be fucked by you-," Neal starts with a whine, stopping when Eric's hazel eyes glow a soft honey.

     "Soon." Xelio growls out and Neal can't stop the way his body melts at the tone. Was this how a mate was supposed to make you feel? Warm and fuzzy and like a highschooler just figuring out their crush likes them back?

     Neal doesn't know, he never went to highschool or had crushes. But he assumes that this is exactly what it feels like. And what Eric says does make sense because he also wants to know everything about him. He wants to know his past, his goals, his secrets, and what every touch or glance sent his way means. More than that though, he wants to be worthy, but does that mean that he has to change?

     With a nod, he tears his gaze away from Erics, looking down at his lips. "Yes sir."


     They end up spending the rest of the day in each other's embrace. The forest scent that Eric produces makes Neal relax in his hold and melt into a body that makes him feel safer than the cabin in the woods. Eric's soft breaths hot against the back of his neck, and the large hands around his torso bring sparks to his lower stomach - despite them resting over the covers of the bed.

     It's. . .weird being so aware of the other's touches and enjoying them. Most times he'd simply block out any other's touch.

     With a groan he turns on the bed to snuggle against Eric's neck. Moments passed and he got bored so he leaned back again, staring at the other. His eyes were closed, and around his chin were thin hairs poking out. With a hum Neal leans forward, rubbing his cheek against the prickly hairs before leaning down to place kisses along Eric's jaw - traveling all the way up until they pressed against his lips.

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