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"No luck, I found nothing" Tucker told me when he walked through the door with Dipper by his side.

"Same here" Sam said from beside Mabel.

"Are you sure this is what we need to find?" Danny asks.

"There's no use now. Wether it was what we needed or not, we have to head back soon" I say, hugging myself.

"We still have some time, we could look a little more" Mabel suggests.

"If we go anywhere we may miss the chance of getting back home" Dipper says.

Danny's dad came into the room and looked at us all but when his eyes landed on me he did a double take, running back into the kitchen.

"Maddie!" I heard him shouting. "It's her!"

"Her who? Jack what are you so excited about?" 'Maddie' asked.

"Don't you remember? That couple that came through our portal!"

I inhaled sharply at what he said, my attention drawn to the doorway of the kitchen. The rest of their conversation was silent, two quiet for any of us to hear. They both came in, Maddie carrying a book in her hand.

"I think this might be yours" she said, handing me the book.

I took it and opened to the first page where I saw my mom's familiar handwriting. "How'd you get it?"

"Your parents came through our portal, the one we have in the basement, and they asked us to take a book and keep it hidden until their daughter came to take it" Jack answered.

"How did you know it was me?"

"You have the same eyes your mother had" Maddie said.

"Thank you"

"You couldn't have noticed before we looked all over town?" Danny asks, groaning.

"I forgot all about them until just now" Jack says. "This happened a long time ago"

"How long?"

"Hmm, 17 years?"

My eyes widen and my mouth nearly dropped open. Mabel gasped and Dipper's mouth opened slightly. They both realized what I realized. My parents came through here when I wasn't even born yet, they somehow knew what was going to happen and got everything ready for when I was born and they went missing.

"How is that possible?" Mabel asks with a giant smile on her face. "They must be fortune tellers!"

"They aren't, but they must've known something bad would be happening and that I'd be the only one to figure out how to stop it"

"We should go back now" Dipper says.

"It was nice meeting you three" Maddie says to us.

"Come back soon!" Jack says.

We all went down to the basement where the portal stood lifeless, that would be until the time was up and Stan and Ford would open it up once again for maybe the last time.

"Why were you all so shocked when he said 17 years?" Danny asks.

"I'm 17, my parents came here before I was born but somehow knew I'd end up here eventually" I tell him, shoving the book into the bag Mabel held.

"How much time do you have left?" Tucker asks us.

I check my phone. "Just under 15 minutes"

"Enough time to hug goodbye!" Mabel said.

Dipper rolled his eyes at his sister and shook their hands after his sister hugged each of them very tightly. She did tend to have a death grip. I hugged each of them, staying in front of Danny when I pulled away.

"Thank you for saving me earlier"

"No problem"

"You ever going to come back?" Sam asks

"It was difficult getting out here the first time, so maybe not. But if we do ever end up back in Amity Park we'll say hi"

"It's open" Mabel says.

I turned and saw the white portal. We all held hands as we said a final goodbye to Tucker, Sam and Danny, then we stepped through. We fell out of the portal, not landing on our feet. Mabel had ended up a couple feet away, face planting on the ground and Dipper landed on top of me.

"Sorry" he said, pushing himself off of me then helping me up.

"Did you find anything?" Ford asks, coming up to us with his brother following.

"We found a book" Mabel says, digging it out.

"Where did you go?" Stan asks.

"A place called Amity Park where they have ghosts" Dipper says.

"And ghost fighting half ghosts" I add, making them both look at me confused. "It's a long story that we'll explain later"

"Em was kidnapped!" Mabel squealed.

"Again, an explanation will come later. Right now I need to read this book"

I left with the book in hand, going to my house where I knew I'd get some peace and quiet and be able to read it without any unwanted prying eyes.

The book was about what I had thought, Bill Cipher. Now I knew why Bill wanted the book so bad, this book held information about him that could take him down. Weaknesses, ways to cheat him out of a deal if need be, and the way to get rid of him.

There was a whole chapter dedicated to explaining how to once and for all make Bill go away. It wouldn't kill him but it would keep him trapped in the dreamscape, that black and white world, permanently.

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ