Books, Books, Books

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"You and your sister like mysteries right?"

Dipper nods his head, his mouth remaining firmly shut. His hair moved with the movement of his head but it was mostly restrained by his blue hat with the pine tree. The hat he wore on his head seemed to always stay there, I've never seen him without it yet.

"How about you two help me with this one? Maybe together we could solve it quickly"

He looked back to his grunkle. "I'm fine, go help her" Ford told him.

"Let's go get Mabel" he says.

He leads the way out of the 'secret lab' as Stan called it. We found Mabel up in their room in the attic, messing around with a scrapbook. The cover was pink with sparkles surrounding a picture of her and her family placed in the middle. Other pictures were spread around her along with some glitter in bottles and stickers.

"Em! You're back!" She exclaims when she heard our footsteps.

"I am. What are you doing there?"

"It's a scrapbook, I make one every summer when I come to Gravity Falls"

"So you guys come here for the summers? How long have you been doing that?"

"Since we were 13, I think"

Mabel got off the bed and showed me the scrapbook in her hands. There were only a couple of pictures inside, but it was the beginning of the summer so she had plenty of time to fill it.

"That's one way to spend the summer. Did you want to help me figure something out?"

"Like what? A mystery?!"


She puts the book on the bed, picks up a Polaroid camera and snaps a picture of me and Dipper. He looked annoyed in the picture and my eyes closed due to the bright flash but I still managed to put a smile on my face.

"Ok, let's go!"

Mabel seemed very excitable, the opposite of her twin brother. Dipper seemed a lot more hidden, secretive, where Mabel was wide open. I was a lot like Dipper, only because I was always told not to trust anybody and that meant keeping to myself about everything.

"Where are we going?" Mabel asks, her hands held behind her back as she walked beside me.

"My house. What you see there you can't tell anyone"

"Why?" Dipper asks.

"Have you heard the phrase don't trust anyone?" He nods. "That's why"

I walked ahead of the twins who whispered back and forth for a bit. It sounded like they were listing theories of what I was going to show them. Books, that's all they were going to see, important books that could destroy the world or save it.

A body ran into mine from the side, sending us both flying onto the gravel road. I groan, instantly feeling pain in my back. Above me was the blonde boy I met earlier, Carter. He smiled sheepishly, apologizing for running into me. He helped me up and I brushed off the dirt from my back.

"Sorry, I was -"

"Don't worry, it's fine"

He looks at the twins who were staring at him. Mabel stared dreamily at him while Dipper seemed to be doing something between a glare and a confused look.

"Guys this is Carter. Carter, Mabel and Dipper"

"Nice to meet you" Carter says.

"We need to go" Dipper tells me.

"Right, almost forgot. Bye Carter"

He continued running in the direction he was going before running into me. I picked up the book and we kept walking towards my house. The twins were each on either side of me.

"How do you know him?" Dipper asks.

"I met him yesterday"

"He's cute" Mabel blurts out.

I chuckle. "If you like blonde boys who you keep coincidentally running into. We're almost there"

My house slowly became visible in the distance and Mabel gasped. It wasn't anything extravagant. Two floors, plus a basement, a balcony in the back, four bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was made of logs, like a cabin, and there was a garage just outside for my dad.

"That's huge!" Mabel nearly screams. "You live here?"

"I do"

When I opened the door Mabel was even more shocked and amazed. Her eyes were wide as they darted around the room, mouth hanging open slightly.

"One second"

First I head up to my bedroom to grab the books. I balanced them on top of each other while walking downstairs, being careful not to drop them. I set them all out on the living room table. Then I go to the basement door, unlocking it. I gave them each a flashlight and used the one on my phone.

"C'mon, it's dark so be careful" I told them.

"That's a lot of books" Dipper said. It was now his turn to be amazed.

"All written by my mom. Look for anything that could have information about secret codes or different languages in it"

Looking through the books they all seemed the same, all about some creature, but one book stood out. On the spine there wasn't any creatures name, but just random scribbles.  μυστικό was written on the spine.

Inside the book was not filled with secret codes or languages but different things about different parts of the house. I kept it in hand but continued looking for something to help decipher.

"Nothing on this side" Mabel speaks up.

"Same thing over here" I say. "Let's just head back upstairs"

We headed back up the ladder and each sat at the table in the living room.

"Go ahead and skim through the journals"

Through the Camera Lens (Dipper x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora